第一步,长按电源键关机。 第二步,打开电脑里的iTunes软件。 第三步,先把数据线的usb大头插入电脑(注意小头先不要插入iPad)。 第四步,按住home键不放手然后插入数据线的小头。 然后就能看到iTunes软件会检测到你的ipad,点击恢复,按照提示的操作,可能会要下载新的系统软件所以需要花费一定的时间。 在这个过程中...
Part 1. Why is iPad Disabled Connect to iTunes? One reason your disabled iPad may not connect to iTunes is that the device isn't unlocked, which is necessary for iTunes to access its data. Another reason could be that your iPad hasn’t yet trusted the computer. When you connect an i...
iPad Disabled My iPad is disabled, I can't remember the passcode. It is telling me to connect to iTunes. Of course iTunes cannot detect the iPad. Help! 4 years ago 231 2 iPad disabled iPad is disabled and says connect to iTunes I never set up a passcode any ideas? this is bra...
ipad mini2无法连接itunes的原因:可能软件有冲突。解决的方法为:1.运行电脑菜单,输入“regedit”,点击打开HKEY-current-user,software,apple computer inc(开头是apple就对了),打开itunes文件夹和quick文件夹,能删的全部又击删除,如果有提示错误,那表示不能删,记住itunes和quicktime文件夹的都得删。2.登陆微软官网...
iTunes”屏幕。iTunes 将提醒您,其检测到一个处于恢复模式的设备。点按“好”,然后恢复设备。2、如果之前ipad和电脑同步过:把ipad连接到电脑,然后打开 iTunes。如果ipad仍处于停用状态,或者 iTunes 没有自动同步ipad,把ipad与 iTunes 同步。如果您已选择将备份加密,其将包含密码。先停用备份加密...
Im trying to set up my IPad mini 2 for my 2 year old son to have and I have disabled it using the wrong password. I got it to connect to my windows laptop computer to update and now it will not connect. I have tried different versions of iTunes and I have also reset my ...
ipad mini无法连接itunes的解决办法:1,首先iPad连接电脑,打开iTunes,打开帮助,点按“运行诊断程序”。(如图)2,然后,按照提示一步步往下走,就能解决。