Strip Debug Symbols During Copy设置为YES时,打开对应.app文件的“显式包内容”,可以看到,/PlugIns/Today.appex文件的大小变小了。(不过这些只能在使用模拟器时奏效) Strip Debug Symbols During Copy置为YES的时候,today extension中的断点将不会中断,但是打印[NSThread callStackSymbols]时的类名和方法名还是可以...
4. 调整Build Settings:在项目的Build Settings中,找到“Strip Debug Symbols During Copy”选项,将其设置为Yes,这会删除调试符号,减少IPA文件的大小。5. 去除未使用的资源:检查项目中是否有未使用的图片、代码或库,如果有,删除它们以减小包大小。6. 优化架构:在Build Settings的"Architectures"部分,确认仅包含必要...
5.去除符号信息 Strip Debug Symbols During Copy 和 Symbols Hidden by Default 在release版本应该设为yes,可以去除不必要的调试符号。Symbols Hidden by Default会把所有符号都定义成”private extern”,设了后会减小体积。 6.Strip Linked Product:DEBUG下设为NO,RELEASE下设为YES,用于RELEASE模式下缩减app的大小; ...
Strip Debug Symbols During Copy (COPY_PHASE_STRIP), Specifies whether binary files that are copied during the build, such as in a Copy Bundle Resources or Copy Files build phase, should be stripped of debugging symbols. It does not cause the linked product of a target to be stripped—use ...
For App Store exports, should the package include bitcode? Defaults to YES. uploadSymbols : Bool For App Store exports, should the package include symbols? Defaults to YES. 有很多参数是不必要的,现在查看teamID和method似乎是比较需要的,写了一个示例: ...
You’ll get a copy of the IPA itself, a fun “Deciphering the IPA” worksheet to help you explore and practice using the IPA – and you’ll get access to a digital IPA keyboard (so that you can type the IPA symbols on your electronic devices!) Downloadable Resources Elevate your ...
1.配置编译选项 (Levels选项内)Generate Debug Symbols 设置为NO,这个配置选项应该会让你减去小半的体积.注意这个如果设置成NO就不会在断点处停下 2.舍弃架构armv7 a【iOS开发必备指南合集】申请企业级IDP、真机调试、游戏接入GameCenter 指南(实现仿官方的成就提示)、游戏接入OpenFeint指南; 本站文章均为李华明Himi...
the word in regular English and then copy it out in IPA symbols). Create a lesson plan in which your students will read and write English words and their associated glosses in order to practice pronunciation. Make sure this lesson comes after they have been introduced to the IPA symbols. ...
extIPA symbols and obsolete symbols will be added next update. Cornsnake9876,2022/05/11 Actual life saver I’m studying Brahmi, and it’s a very frustrating experience when I have to go find and copy+paste the IPA for sounds. If you can believe it,ɡ̈ or ɡʰ are actually not ...
Refering to these symbols is expensive, since it needs to be overwritable by the dynamic linker. In some cases we know that the interposition does not change semantic and we can always refer to a local copy (as in the case of inline function). In this case we produce a local al...