IPA Chart with Soundswww.internationalphoneticalphabet.org/ipa-sounds/ipa-chart-with-sounds/ 关于...
Wikipedia-IPA for English
The IPA is typically presented in a chart that shows the sounds of languages of the world arranged in two dimensions: from top to bottom as the mouth is more and more open and from left to right as the sound is produced from the front of the mouth to the back. It’s elegant, it’...
*知识的搬运工:此chart不是我生产的,而是我从维基魔法世界搬运而来的 知乎的编辑框太难用了只能贴图了 辅音 元音 其他 帮助:韩语国际音标 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 (wikipedia.org) 一般来说辅音比较好搞,原因比较难弄明白,因为韩语发音的一些音在英语日语中文里都没有,我贴一个IPA元音发音表在下面 ...
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols used in this chart The phonetic symbols used in this IPA chart may be slightly different from what you will find in other sources, including inthis comprehensive IPA chart for English dialects in Wikipedia. ...
Welcome to Phoneticus® – your go-to English phonemic chart for iOS devices. I’m here to guide you through the nuances of English pronunciation, where the spelling often differs from the sound. With me by your side, you’ll master phonetics and explore the rich tapestry of sounds that...
http://www.linguiste.org/phonetics/ipa/chart/keyboard/ http://www.ipa.webstuff.org http://www.internationalphoneticalphabet.org/ipa-sounds/ipa-chart-with-sounds/ http://www.ipachart.com/ IPA, International Phonetic Association http://www.langsci.ucl.ac.uk/ipa/ IPA...
Here's a handy chart to compare typing a selection of characters with the four keyboards. The red keys modify the black keys to output the correct IPA symbol. Click the chart to enlarge it. A Word of Advice When working with IPA keyboards, you may find it easier if you turn off spell...