目前Surge 支持 IP-CIDR 和 SRC-IP,能否支持一下 SRC-IP-CIDR 这个功能? 具体场景是,我在 macOS 上跑 UTM,UTM 里启动的虚拟机是一个特定的网段。我希望 UTM 虚拟机过来的流量走特殊的规则。现在我只能有一个虚拟机就写一条规则。 Reply SurgeTeam 23 days ago SRC-IP 支持使用 CIDR 表达式。 Reply dozer...
Clash 的 Domain 和 IP-CIDR 混在一起的类型叫 classical。是可以这么操作的。 https://github.com/Dreamacro/clash/wiki/Premium-Core-Features#classical 样例: payload: - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,google.com - DOMAIN-KEYWORD,google - DOMAIN,ad.com - SRC-IP-CIDR, - IP-CIDR, - G...
Go/src/net/ip.go // ParseIP parses s as an IP address, returning the result. // The string s can be in IPv4 dotted decimal (""), IPv6 // ("2001:db8::68"), or IPv4-mapped IPv6 ("::ffff:") form. // If s is not a valid textual representation of an ...
Hey there Splunk hero's, Story/Background: So, there is this variable called "src_ip" in my correlation search. The "src_ip" is a
Is there a way to search a cidr notation without using "src_ip OR dest_ip"? I have a bunch of ips i want to search for and would like to
be/src/vec/runtime/ip_address_cidr.h Show resolved be/src/vec/runtime/ip_address_cidr.h Show resolved be/src/vec/runtime/ip_address_cidr.h Show resolved sjyango force-pushed the is-ip-addr-in-range branch 2 times, most recently from d242d03 to d55a4b3 Compare January 8, 2024...
How can i get the img element and src attribute from the html text below using c# language? How can I get the logged in User ID in C# How can I get the total CPU usage? How can I get the Windows username from a web application?? How can I get URLs of open pages from Chrome ...
Based on your IP address, make subnetting operations with VLSM/CIDR, hexadecimal/binary conversion and more.
Logstash是一个开源的数据收集引擎,用于实时处理和传输数据。它是Elastic Stack(Elasticsearch、Logstash、Kibana)中的一部分,用于收集、处理和存储日志数据。 针对CIDR的IP是指对CIDR(Classless Inter-Domain Routing)格式的IP地址进行处理和过滤。CIDR是一种IP地址分配和路由选择的方法,它允许更有效地利用IP地址空间。