你使用了错误的命令。ip ssh source-interface命令在从路由器启动SSH会话时定义源IP。它对其他交通没有...
Info: Succeeded in setting the source interface of the SSH server to MEth0/0/0. 如果登录地址是IPv6类型,执行命令ssh ipv6 server-source -a ipv6-address来配置SSH服务器的源IP地址。 执行stelnet server enable使能设备的STelnet服务器端功能。 执行commit命令提交配置文件。 执行ssh server publickey ecc...
user-role network-admin protocol inbound ssh command authorization command accounting 思科交换机tacacs+认证配置 Cisco#! 开启tacacs认证feature tacacs+!配置本地用户username admin password 0 Admin@123 role network-admin!ip domain-lookupip tacacs source-interface loopback0tacacs-server timeout 3tacacs-ser...
switchxxxxxx>ssh HQedge/source-interface loopback1 telnet ThetelnetEXEC mode command logs on to a host that supports Telnet. Syntax telnet{ip-address|hostname} [port] [keyword...] Parameters ip-address—Specifies the destination host IP address (IPv4 or...
1.5.设置VTY连接方式# 设置vty数量为0-4 user-interface vty 0 4 # 设置vty认证为aaa authentication-mode aaa # 设置inbound协议为ssh protocol inbound ssh 2.限制SSH登录源2.1.配置设备仅允许的IP地址acl number 2001 rule 1 permit source 0 rule 2 permit source 0 ...
user-interface maximum-vty 10 用户界面最大个数 须知: 当配置VTY用户界面最大个数为0时,任何用户(包括网管用户)都无法通过VTY登录设备。 protocol inbound ssh 用户界面允许接入的协议 authentication-mode aaa 用户界面认证方式,缺省为password 表7-6AAA用户规划 ...
rule 0 permit ip source rule 5 deny any ssh service acl 3000 ...
enable: true stack: system device: utun auto-route: false auto-detect-interface: false dns-hijack: - tcp://any:53 profile: store-selected: true store-fake-ip: true authentication: - Clash:h84R7QaE #=== 自定义覆写设置 ===# #!/bin/sh . /usr/share/openclash/ruby.sh . /usr/shar...
[DeviceA-Vlan-interface10] quit # 在端口Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/1、Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2上配置IP Source Guard端口绑定功能,绑定源IP地址和MAC地址。 [DeviceA] interface ten-gigabitethernet 1/0/2 [DeviceA-Ten-GigabitEthernet1/0/2] ip verify source ip-address mac-address [DeviceA-Ten-Gigab...