R1(config)#ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react connectionLoss action-type action-type trapandTrigger threshold-type immediate //当检测到连接丢失之后采取的动作是向SNMP发送trap消息,并且启动触发操作(SLA 2) R1(config)#ip sla reaction-trigger 1 2 //SLA 1检测结果违反规则之后唤醒SLA 2 R1(config)#i...
ip sla reaction-configuration 2 react timeout threshold-type consecutive 3 action-type trapandtrigger<---当发生连续3次timeout时,trigger另一个SLA,并发SNMP Trapip sla reaction-trigger 2 4<---SLA 2连续三次timeout就要trigger SLA 4! track 1rtr 4<---track SLA 4,而不是SLA 2,为什么? 1. 如...
Device(config)# ip sla reaction-configuration 10 react jitterAvg threshold-type immediate threshold-value 5000 3000 action-type trapAndTrigger Configures the action (SNMP trap or IP SLAs trigger) that is to occur based on violations of specified thresholds. ...
ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react rtt threshold-value 35 32 threshold-type immediate action-type trapOnly ip sla schedule 1 life forever start-time now //syslog 记录 *Jul 29 07:27:28.617: %RTT-3-IPSLATHRESHOLD: IP SLAs(1): Threshold exceeded for rtt *Jul 29 07:27:40.613: %RTT-3...
ip sla 1 icmp-jitter interval 40 num-packets 100 source-ip percentile jitteravg 95 ! ip sla reaction-configuration 1 react jitterAvgpct threshold-value 5 2 action-type trap threshold-type immediate ! ip sla schedule 1 start-time now life forever Additional References ...
IP SLA Responder 是内置在Cisco 路由器中的一个组件,用于响应IP SLA 的请求包。Responder 在回显包上...
ip sla 4 icmp-echo timeout 1000 frequency 10 ip sla schedule 4 life 5 start-time pending <---并不是马上启动,有效期也只有5秒 ! ip sla reaction-configuration 2 react timeout threshold-type consecutive 3 action-type trapandtrigger ...
7.ip sla monitor schedule operation-number[ life { forever | seconds}] [start-time { hh:mm[:ss ] [ month day| day month] | pending | now | after hh:mm:ss ] [ ageout seconds] [ recurring] 8.exit 9.show ip sla monitor configuration [operation-number] ...
45、le 10 start-time now rtr reaction-configuration 10 react mos threshold-typeimmediate threshold-value 490 250 action-type trapOnly rtr logging traps snmp-server host 0 version 2c public snmp-server enable traps syslog 12.3(7)T中的trap的实质是syslog到traps的转换,因此需要在命令行配置logging,在...
To give it a try with eem only, I thought of the option of TrapAndTrigger for reaction-configuration and use this to trigger another sla that would produce a timeout (e.g. ping an unreachable IP) for which I can track and define an eem... 0 Helpful Reply Learn...