有大佬试过lucky..如题已经在nas上搭建了一个服务器,直接使用[ip地址]:25565 的形式是可以连接的,但是用lucky开了一个二级域名做反向代理之后,无法通过域名的形式连接。不知道就是不可以这样还是我哪里可能设置
The server currently includes: - Survival - SkyPVP - BedWars - KitPVP Much more to come! IP:... 830/5000 ONLINE JAVA epic.clubcraft.net View #13 Mineland MetaVerse JAVAlucky.join-ml.com 561/3227 ONLINE Mineland MetaVerse is not just a Minecraft server, it's an endless universe with ...
Vote for this server BlocksMC Minecraft Server IP Description BlocksMC is a Minecraft server network with many unique gamemodes and thousands of players! We invite you to join us! Here are our gamemodes: - Hide and Seek - Hunger Games (Survival Games) - Spleef (Splegg) - Parkour -...
Now click the "Add Server" button and enter "CubeCraft Games" as the server name and "play.cubecraft.net" as the server address. Finally select the "Done" button and you will be able to join the CubeCraft Games Minecraft server once the connection has been verified. What version do I ...
求问如何解决,谢谢啦 2163 黑色沙漠单机吧 So_lucky_灆 请问下各位大佬们,mongodb数据库连接找不到本机IP如题,打开“server—1.bat”后在打开“Robomongo” 找不到本机IP的链接选项,奇怪了~求大佬帮下忙~! 分享3赞 tcp吧 taeyonsss 本机TCP/IP出现问题,ping 本机数据包丢失率居然百分百,求解!在cmd命令...
赞 minecraft吧 170050051624 新人求助,水桶服ip直连,我能进我的服务器,别人却连看都看不见我家是那种宽带连接的上网方式,我下了个水桶服懒人包,建好了服,想让邻居加进来一起玩,我给他我的ip,就是从网络设置里的宽带连接的详细信息的ipv4地址的那个ip,我用这个能进,他那却显示can’t reach server minecraft....