二甲双胍极性较大,在 C18 柱上几乎不被保留,所以采用普通 HPLC 对其进行定量分析及其有关物 质检查又一定的难度,若在流动相中加入离子对试剂十二烷基磺酸钠后,二甲双胍在色谱柱上的保留大 大增加。本例介绍盐酸二甲双胍的离子对反相高效液相色谱测定法。 色谱条件:采用 InsertsilC18 色谱柱(5 u m,4.6mm×150...
IP-HPLC法测定织物中致癌染料含量 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
RP-IP-HPLCObjective:To establish a method of RP-IP-HPLC determination for pilocarpine nitrate eye drops. Methods:Employed Phenomenex-prodigy ODS column(4.6mm×250mm,5μm),0.02mol· L~(-1)ammoni- um dihydrogen phosphate and 0.02 mol·L~(-1)tetrabutylammonium hydroxide in water(adjusted to pH...
环境样品中生物可利用态镉的反相离子对-HPLC-荧光检测 Determination of Bioavailable Cadmium in Environmental Samplesby IP-RP-HPLC Coupled with On-line Fluorescence Assay45阅读 文档大小:109.81K 3页 0025477上传于2015-06-24 格式:PDF 环境和生物样品中镉的形态 热度: 【word】 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定环境...
SMPTE RP 220-2002PAL/SECAM IP 和触发器绑定到 VBI SMPTE ST 361M-2002电视 NTSC IP 和触发器绑定到 VBI 国际电信联盟,关于icp和ip的标准 ITU-T RESOLUTION 64 CHINESE-2008IP地址分配和鼓励部署IPv6 ITU-T RESOLUTION 64 FRENCH-2008IP地址分配和鼓励部署IPv6 ...
别名Apaf1 Interacting Protein, APAF1-interacting protein, APIP, APIP2, CG129, CGI 29, CGI29, dJ179L10.2, MMRP19, Monocyte/macrophage protein 19, MTNB_HUMAN, MTRu 1 P dehydratase, MTRu-1-P dehydratase, Probable methylthioribulose 1 phosphate dehydratase, Probable methylthioribulose-1-phosphate...
Peptides were separated by reverse phase (RP)-HPLC on a nanocapillary column, 75 μM ID × 15 cm Reprosil-pur 3 μM (Dr Maisch, Germany) in a Nanoflex chip system (Eksigent). Mobile phase A consisted of 0.1% formic acid (Thermofisher Scientific) and mobile phase B of 0.1% ...
Further purification was done using RP-HPLC (C4 column, Phenomenex) with a linear gradient of 50% acetonitrile in 0.01% trifluo- roacetic acid at a flow rate of 3 ml/min. The purified proteins were lyophilized and stored in − 20 °C. Far-UV Circular Dichroism spectropolarimetry....
货号:C15606500 包装:0.1g N-NitrosopiperidineCAS#:[100-75-4]品牌:Dr;订货号:C15606500类别:亚硝胺 微信号 15221999938 联系我们 上海金畔生物科技有限公司 电话:021-50837765 手机:15221999938 网址: www.jinpanbio.com Email:sales@jinpanbio.com
Ocular toxicities occurred as retinal vein occlusion (RVO, 2%), and retinal pigment epithelial detachment (RPED, 0.5%–2%). Among laboratory abnormalities, hyperglycemia was reported as about 5%. However, most of these toxicities reached the reported frequency levels when in combination with ...