Normal:没有超过告警的下限阈值。 Approach limit:即将达到告警的上限阈值,已达到告警的上限阈值的90%。 Exceed limit:已经达到或超过最大数量。 告警的阈值上限upper-limit-value必须大于等于告警的阈值下限lower-limit-value。 检查配置结果 执行命令display ospf[process-id]routing,查看OSPF路由表的信息。
在PE1上执行命令display bgp vpnv4all routing-table查看BGP路由表,看到BGP路由表可以学到对端PE的路由,说明BGP邻居关系正常,通过路由表进一步确认私网标签分发正常。 在PE1上执行命令display ip routing-table vpn-instancevpn-instance-name ip-addressverbose查看私网路由的详细信息,发现Interface字段为NULL0,说明私...
· 只能引入路由表中状态为active的路由,是否为active状态可以通过display ip routing-table protocol命令来查看。· undo import-route protocol all-processes命令只能取消import-route protocol all-processes命令的配置,不能取消import-route protocol process-id命令的配置。
RealFIRType: Normal RealThres: 0# 显示所有VPN实例内所有路由的详细信息。<Sysname> display ip routing-table all-vpn-instance verboseVPN instance: vpn1Destinations : 1 Routes : 1Destination: DirectProcess ID: 0SubProtID: 0x0 Age: 08h34m37s...
RP/0/0/CPU0:Node1(config)# router bgp 100 segment-routing srv6 Assigning SRv6 Locator Globally under BGP Use the router bgp as-number segment-routing srv6 locator WORD command to assign an SRv6 locator globally under the BGP routing process. The as-number...
hw-module profile segment-routing srv6 mode base You must reload the router after enabling this command. Note Starting fromRelease 7.10.1, the SRv6 mode is automatically set tobase-and-micro-segment-f3216 mode(dual mode) even if you configure th...
To determine a single route to use to forward an IP datagram, IP uses the following process:For each route in the routing table, IP performs a bit-wise logical AND between the destination IP address and the netmask. IP compares the result with the network destination for a match. If they...
To determine a single route to use to forward an IP datagram, IP uses the following process:For each route in the routing table, IP performs a bit-wise logical AND between the destination IP address and the netmask. IP compares the result with the network destination for a match. If they...
TCP/IP协议(Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol,传输控制协议/网际协议)是指能够在多个不同网络间实现信息传输的协议簇。与OSI模型不同,TCP/IP模型并不仅是理论上的网络标准,而是现有的事实模型,它在一定程度上参考了OSI模型,并根据当时的现存网络发展而来。
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Root CA startup error Root cause analysis for blue screen route add and route print command not working Route add command not saving interface upon reboot Route Table refresh routing IP traffic between two NIC's ...