cmd:=exec.Command("ip","route","add",route) output,err:=cmd.CombinedOutput() iferr!=nil{ errMsg:=string(output) // 检查错误消息是否为 "File exists" ifstrings.Contains(errMsg,"File exists"){ fmt.Printf("Route %s already exists\n",route) return } fmt.Printf("Failed to add route: %s...
BusyBox v1.25.1 自带的iproute工具版本太老,用最新的iproute2就可以了。 2022-1-5 13:42:59 评论 举报 李萍 提交评论 撰写答案 你正在撰写答案 如果你是对答案或其他答案精选点评或询问,请使用“评论”功能。 B Color Link Quote Code Smilies 您需要登录后才可以回帖 登录/注册 发布答案 声明:本...
Check whether a route to the IP address exists in the routing table. The configuration file contains the following static route configuration: ip route-static NULL0 preference 255 Therefore, the outbound interface of one of the two upstream equal-cost routes ...
方法三(临时)## ip-6addradd2409:8028:08F1:1204::198/64dev enp4s0f0ip-6addrdel2409:8028:08F1:1204::198/64dev enp4s0f0 配置默认路由(临时)## 配置完ipv6地址还需要指定网关,通过明天添加的网关重启会失效。 routeadd-A inet6defaultgw2409:8028:8F1:1204::1dev enp4s0f0 修改网卡配置文件## ...
ArpAlwaysSourceRoute Key:Tcpip\Parameters Value type: REG_DWORD - Boolean Valid range: 0,1 (False or True) Default: 0 (False) Description: If you set this parameter to 1, TCP/IP transmits ARP queries with source routing enabled on Token Ring networks. By default, the stack transmits AR...
route print 10.*To add a default route with the default gateway address of, type:route add mask add a route to the destination with the subnet mask of and the next hop address of, type:...
...2.命令格式 ip [ OPTIONS ] OBJECT { COMMAND | help } ip [ -force ] -batch filename OBJECT := { link | address...-b, -batch 从提供的文件或标准输入读取命令并调用它们。第一次失败将导致 ip 终止。 -force 不要在批处理模式下错误时终止ip。...ip route add dev eth0 -...
If the DHCPv4 server is configured to allocate a classless static route to the client using Option 121, the client does not automatically generate a default route to the gateway address. To balance traffic and improve network reliability, configure multiple gateways. Each address pool can be ...
ip route encap). IP6GRE/IP6GRETAP Type Support For a link of type IP6GRE/IP6GRETAP the following additional arguments are supported: ip link add DEVICE type { ip6gre | ip6gretap } remote ADDR local ADDR [ [no][i|o]seq ] [ [i|o]key KEY | no[i|o]key ] [ [no][i|o]...
os.system('ip netns exec %s ip route add default via %s 2>> /var/log/docker-static-ip.log' % (pid,gw) ) syspid = os.fork() if syspid == 0: while True: file = open('./containers.cfg') if file: for i in file: