定义及运用场景 PBR: Policy-Based-Route,该技术打破了路由表的传统选路规则,可以根据管理员定义的策略条件来选择性的转发数据包。 学生网段——ISP1 教师网段——ISP2 路由策略、策略路由的区别 策略路由规则 策略路由可以用在下一跳或者是出接口上 策略路由类型 本地策略路由 接口策略路由 配置案例一 本...
Notes:You can use any route options described in "Route management" section in policy routes too, the only difference is the "table ${table id/name}" part at the end. Numeric table identifiers and names can be used interchangeably. To create your own symbolic names, edit/etc/iproute2/rt...
http://baturin.org/docs/iproute2/#Add%20a%20route%20via%20interface Policy-based routing (PBR) in Linux is designed the following way: first you create custom routing tables, then you create rules to tell the kernel it should use those tables instead of the default table for specific tr...
ip policy-based-route pbr2 ip subscriber l2-connected enable ip subscriber initiator dhcp enable ip subscriber initiator unclassified-ip enable ip subscriber dhcp domain ipoeenabledomain ip subscriber unclassified-ip domain ipoeenabledomain # interface GigabitEthernet0/1 port link-mode route ...
display ip policy-based-route interface命令用来显示接口下转发策略路由的配置信息和统计信息。 【命令】 独立运行模式: display ip policy-based-route interfaceinterface-type interface-number[slotslot-number] IRF模式: display ip policy-based-route interfaceinterface-type interface-number[chassischassis-numberslo...
tunnel-policy(系统视图) apply-label per-instance 命令功能 apply-label per-instance命令用来配置当前VPN实例地址族下所有发往对端PE的路由都使用同一个标签值。 undo apply-label per-instance命令用来恢复缺省配置。 缺省情况下,VPN实例地址族为每一条去往对端PE的路由分配一个标签。
一、主要知识点:策略路由:传统的路由转发原理是首先根据报文的目的地址查找路由表,然后进行报文转发。但是目前越来越多的用户希望能够在传统路由转发的基础上根据自己定义的策略进行报文转发和选路。策略路由PBR(Policy-Based Routing)就是一种依据用户制定的策略进行数据转发的机制。在华为S系列交换机上,策略路由通过...
前置任务 在配置Route-Policy之前,需完成以下任务: 配置路由协议 配置流程 创建Route-Policy是配置If-match子句和配置Apply子句的前置任务。配置If-match子句和配置Apply子句之间是并列关系,请根据实际组网情况选择配置。创建Route-Policy (可选)配置If-match子句 (可选)配置Apply子句 (可选)配置跳转到指定节点 ...
The/etc-based file should be used when running asn inserver mode. The$HOME-based file takes precedence if both files exist, and is ideal foruser mode(that is, runningasninteractively from the command line). In order to do so, you can use the following command: ...