用户模式一-特权模式,使用命令"enable" 特权模式一-全局配置模式,使用命令”ontfg" 全局配置模式--接口模式,使用命令"interface接口类型#接口号” 全局配置模--线控模式,使用命令“line+接口类型+接口号” 注: 用户模式:查看初始化的信息. 特权模式:查看所有信息、调试、保存配置信息 ...
第二种是像OSPF,EIGRP之类的routing protocol.这一种路由协议的特点是会与对方router建立关系,也就是说router之间会建neighbor,所以,一旦用了passive -interface之后,你就断开了router之间的关系(heihei...这是破坏人家的姻缘,小心被众routers怨恨...).因为no relationship, no update.因此,所有的update送不出去,介是...
4、命令格式router ospf 1passive-interface default 将所有接口全部变成被动接口no passive-interface fa1/0 只开放这一个端口用于更新路由信息或者router ospf 1passive-interface fa1/0 仅仅将这个接口设置为默认接口,其他接口正常收发路由更新
If no router ID is configured, the loopback interface with the largest IP address is selected as the router ID. If no loopback interface is configured, the largest physical interface IP address will be used as the router ID. If the OSPF process is running, the router ID does not take ...
type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 10 # interfaceGigabitEthernet0/0/2port link-type trunk port trunk allow-pass vlan 20 # interface LoopBack0 ip address # ospf 1 area network network network # ...
1.1.67 silent-interface (OSPF view) 1.1.68 snmp-agent trap enable ospf 1.1.69 spf-schedule-interval 1.1.70 stub (OSPF area view) 1.1.71 stub-router 1.1.72 transmit-pacing 1.1.73 vlink-peer (OSPF area view)1 OSPF1.1 OSPF配置命令· OSPF TE的相关命令请参见“MPLS命令参考”中的“MPLS ...
interface gi 0/0/1 ipv6 enable 1.华为开启ipv6功能 1.思科表示开启ipv6功能 2.自动产生eui64地址 ipv6 address fe80::2 link-local link-local没有掩码 display ipv6 inter gi 0/0/0 查看ipv6 mac 查看被请求节点组播地址FF02::1 FF02::2代表开启了动态路由选择功能 ...
Router(config)#router isis coreRouter(config-isis)#address-family ipv6 unicastRouter(config-isis-af)#segment-routing srv6Router(config-isis-srv6)#locator locator1Router(config-isis-srv6-loc)#exitRouter(config-isis)#interface loopback ...
Connected interface 0 Static route 1 Enhanced IRGP summary route 5 Internal Enhanced IGRP 90 IGRP 100 OSPF 110 Unknown 225 Static routes that point to an interface are advertised through RIP, IGRP, and other dynamic routing protocols, whether ...
1.1.61 reset ospf redistribution 1.1.62 rfc1583 compatible 1.1.63 silent-interface (OSPF view) 1.1.64 snmp-agent trap enable ospf 1.1.65 spf-schedule-interval 1.1.66 stub (OSPF area view) 1.1.67 stub-router 1.1.68 transmit-pacing 1.1.69 vlink-peer (OSPF area view)1...