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在地址池pool1下配置DNS服务器地址为fc00:2::1/64。 [RouterB]dhcpv6 pool pool1[RouterB-dhcpv6-pool-pool1]prefix-delegation fc00:1::/60 63[RouterB-dhcpv6-pool-pool1]dns-server fc00:2::1 配置RouterA以路由通告形式向主机分配地址前缀 ...
应该敲都敲不上吧。remote address pool 1这是指定地址池,ip pool 1这是...
[~Device]ipv6 prefix pre1 local [*Device-ipv6-prefix-pre1]prefix 2001:db8::/64 [*Device-ipv6-prefix-pre1]commit [~Device-ipv6-prefix-pre1]quit 配置用户侧本地地址池 [~Device]ipv6 pool pool1 bas local [*Device-ipv6-pool-pool1]prefix pre1 [*Device-ipv6-pool-pool1]dns-server 2...
ipv6-vpn-addr-assign local reuse-delay 0 配置本地 IP 地址池 要配置用于 VPN 远程访问隧道的 IPv4 地址池,请在全局配置模式下输入ip local pool命令。如要删除地址池,请输入此命令的no形式。 要配置用于 VPN 远程访问隧道的 IPv6 地址池,请在全局配置模式下输入ipv6 local pool命令。如要...
StaticIPAddressPoolManages static IP address pools for Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).HTTP Verbs展开表 GETPOSTPUTDELETE Yes Yes No YesGETGets the specified static IP pool objects from Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).If you supply the ID property, the static IP address pool with that identifier ...
Name Edm.String No The name of the static IP address pool object. ID Edm.Guid No The identifier of the static IP address pool object. LogicalNetworkDefinitionId Edm.Guid No The identifier of a logical network. IPAddress Edm.String No An IP address IPv4 Edm.Int16 No TBD IPv6 Edm.Int16...
Name Edm.String No The name of the static IP address pool object. ID Edm.Guid No The identifier of the static IP address pool object. LogicalNetworkDefinitionId Edm.Guid No The identifier of a logical network. IPAddress Edm.String No An IP address IPv4 Edm.Int16 No TBD IPv6 Edm.Int16...
as5300#show caller ipLine User IP Address Local Number Remote Number <-> As5 pool_test 9194724101 9194722001 as5300#show ip local poolPool Begin End Free In use pool1 1 1 (dynamic) TACACS+ NAS配置 aaa new-model ...
The New-SCStaticIPAddressPool cmdlet creates a Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) static IP address pool. A static IP address pool can be associated with one or more host groups.