先用ifconfig查看一下接口名称,我这里是enp2s0与enp3s0 那么将对应的网卡启动混淆模式 ip link set enp3s0 promisc on ip link set enp2s0 promisc on 1. 2. 后期要关闭的话,把on改成off 为了以防万一,比如外接网卡可能在服务器重启后失效,那么还要加入开机自启动 nano /etc/init.d/iplinkset.sh 1. ...
Although this command might seem a bit complex at first site but it is much broader in functionality thanifconfig. It is functionally organized on two layers of Networking Stack i.e.Layer 2(Link Layer),Layer 3(IP Layer) and does the work of all the above mentioned commands from net-tools...