使用Vivado Block Design设计解决了项目继承性问题,但是还有个问题,不知道大家有没有遇到,就是新设计的自定义 RTL 文件无法快速的添加到Block Design中,一种方式是通过自定义IP,但是一旦设计的文件有问题就需要重新修改,同时需要控制接口时候还需要在AXI总线模板基础上进行修改,再同时繁琐的步骤也让人“望而却步”。下...
4、通过两个VDMA的中断信号使得XDMA产生中断信号,告诉PC机进行一定的处理 上面的Block Design的设计,我们只讲解了XDMA的作用,至于VDMA的作用,这里不再讲解,因为个人认为VDMA IP还是有点鸡肋,因为需要进行配置、数据也需要上游模块主动进行读取写入。这个完全可以用自定义的AXI IP来代替。 如果真把上面的流程搞明白了,那...
默认即可。 PCIE root port的Block Design搭建 这里直接给出相应的图像,供大家简略学习: 1、是endpoint读写rootport的数据通路 2、是rootport读写endpoint的数据通路 上面Block design的搭建其实我一直不明白centerDMA Ip的作用,也没真正下板实现过,这里也就不多说了。因为FPGA作为rootport来使用,本身就很少见。 上...
在Vivado里,可以从Block Design导出TCL脚本,保存工程。之后可以从TCL脚本恢复工程。 导出的TCL脚本中,可能不包含用户IP的路径信息。这样的话,从TCL脚本恢复工程时会报告错误。错误信息如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 INFO: [BD::TCL 103-2011] Checking if the following IPs exist in the project's IP catalog:...
The TCP/IP model is designed to be stateless. This design means the network stack treats each request as new because it isn't related to the previous request. However, one part of the TCP/IP model isn't stateless. The transport layer operates in a stateful mode because it maintains a co...
The 192.168 numbers are in the netid and 18 is in the hostid. However, 254 represents a block of 8 bits. The first four of those are in the netid and the rest are in the hostid. If you insist on my telling you just the netid or hostid part in dotted decimal, you'll need ...
WIPO's Summer School in 2021. She is currently a volunteer in an organization related to women in international trade and hopes to gain opportunities to work in the field of IP in China in the future. Vong Chanraksa worked for the Ministry of Economic and Finance of Cambodia as a ...
DesignWare Building Block 1. 基本介绍 DesignWare Building Block IP (以下简称DWBB),也叫做Foundation Library,是一个紧密集成在Synopsys综合环境中的可重用智能功能块集合。使用DWBB可以在综合时实现透明且高水平的性能优化。DWBB中含有大量组件,可以实现设计重用并显著地提升生产力。该库中包含有基本库IP的高性能...
is on content design, and existing hotel facilities such as restaurants, parent-child rooms, and outdoor landscaping,which have been upgraded to become the “Wonderland Utopia” Happy Growth Center. Through the addition of various entertainment and activity options, the hotel has been transformed ...
在Flow Navigator 中的 IP integrator 下,单击“创建块设计 (Create Block Design)”。 这样即可打开“Create Block Design”Wizard。 在“Create Block Design”Wizard 中使用以下信息选择相应的选项。 表2:系统属性设置 单击“确定 (OK)”。 这样会打开“框图 (Diagram)”窗口视图,并显示消息称此设计为空。首先,...