WEBM/4/LOCK_IP: IP address is locked. (IP Address=[ip-address], Lock Time=[lock-time]) Description The IP address is locked. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning ip-address IP address. lock-time IP address lock duration, in minutes. ...
ip is locked ,because of many connections 原因:上次连接没有链接成功,执行新的连接,导致 超过mysql的最大连接数,把IP拉黑 解决方法:1、增加mysql的默认最大连接数 2、flush host清空记录
SNMP/5/SNMP_IP_LOCK:The IP address of request message was locked because authentication failed. (SourceIPType=[ULON G], SourceIP=[STRING]) Description The NMS connected to the device fails authentication, and the IP address of the NMS is locked. The requests from this NMS will not be pr...
59525 - Vivado IP Flows - WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-2162] IP 'xxx' is locked. Locked reason: IP 'xxx' shares a common output directory with other IP Description When I add IP cores to my project I receive the following message: WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-2162] IP 'xxx' is locked. Locked ...
Your users can dial these numbers even if the keypad is locked. Before you begin Connect to the base station web page as described in Sign in to the administration web page Procedure Step 1 Click Management. Step 2 Configur...
IsLockedOut 属性 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library 程序集: Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library.dll 获取一个值,该值指示用户是否被锁定。 C# 复制 public bool IsLockedOut { get; } 属性值 Boolean 如果用户被锁定,则为True;否则为 False。 适用于 产...
Just add another IP address to the one that already exists on the primary server's network interface - meaning it will then have two (or more) addresses. The guidance I provided in my previous reply is more comprehensive than you might need so you have something to refer...
public static final String IS_ETHERNET_OPEN = Settings.IS_ETHERNET_OPEN;private SwitchPreference mUseEthernet;private IntentFilter mIntentFilter;private boolean isEthernetEnabled() {return Settings.System.getInt(getActivity().getContentResolver(), IS_ETHERNET_OPEN,0) == 1 ? true : false;}@Override...
Will do more research on this feature and test it ok.. So I've done some more reading on this... and looks like SmartLockout is enabled by default? .. and to modify it, I can do it as described in the blog... So I am not sure if that will help to modify the default...