Ensure the safety of your brand with our India Trademark Filing & Prosecution Service. Protect your brand with our expert assistance.
Using Vakilsearch trademark search application, you can check the availability of your brand name, logo, or slogan. Updated IPIndia records are available.
Trademark registration in India can be issued within 10 months at the earliest. When applying for a trademark in India, you can find Pinkeman IP services. We focus on global IP services and have served tens of thousands of enterprises!
India Surname Trademark Taiwan Taiwan's Patent Law Taiwan Customs Taiwan Top 10 Trademark Law Firms TEAS The Trademark Lawyer Tier 1 TIPO TIPS TMA2020 Top 100 TOPTEAM TOTPEAM Trade mark Trademark trademark accelerated examination Trademark Act Trademark Application Trademark Bona Fide Intent Trademark ...
Successfull registration of trademark DOMAINS AND TECHNOLOGIES PROCESS TO APPLY PATENTS Inquire Now CHALLENGES WHILE CONSIDERING IPR IPR aims to protect a business’s invaluable assets and encourage the spirit of creation. However, many a times, businesses are left with some dilemmas like ...
Chadha & Chadha IP is an Intellectual Property Firm based in New Delhi with 10 offices in India. The Firm is well renowned for its Patent practice in Software and IT, Electronics, Telecom, Automotive, Mechanical Pharmaceuticals, Biotech and Life sciences
The Saudi IP authority (SAIP) continues to assume leadership on IP policy and enforcement; a marked increase in online copyright and trademark enforcement occurred in 2022-2023 SAIP has put in place an ambitious reform agenda and is revamping the administration of the Kingdom’s national IP env...
As per section 29(4) of The Trade Marks Act, trademark infringement in the form of dilution will occur only when the person uses the mark which is: -Identical or similar to the registered trademark which already has a reputation in India and ...
Parker & Parker Co. LLP is a leading ipr law firm in India. We practice in intellectual property law, patent, trademark, copyright, design patent, and Corporate law.
Register a Patent in India and/or worldwide in the most simple and hassle free manner. Single payment for multiple countries Trademark Registration Get your Trademark registered in India and any country worldwide in the most simple and hassle free manner. Single payment for multiple countries Pat...