FAQs What does trademark filing mean? What is international trademark filing? What are the USPTO’s filing fees for a trademark? What are the steps for filing a trademark in India? What should you know before filing for a trademark? What is trademark prosecution?
Using Vakilsearch trademark search application, you can check the availability of your brand name, logo, or slogan. Updated IPIndia records are available.
Welcome to Brainiac IP Solutions, it has been a leading name in the field of IP Rights. We can help you with drafting, patent filing, trademark filing, etc.
Online trademark registration. 100% online trademark filing process. Get your free trademark search online report Pvt Ltd Company Registration Fast & Easy 3-Step Process -ipforstartup.com
ipMetrix is an Intellectual Property (IP) firm in India which started its journey 20 years ago. The founders and principal team members bring in more than 100 years of collective experience and excellence in IP services in India and abroad. ...
India essentially encompasses - all-round and discerning support for creation and selection of the most suitable and visionary trademark, critical and scrupulous trademark searches through domestic and international jurisdictions, well-informed and flawless drafting, and secured filing of trademark application...
File patents from anywhere with the leading patent companies in Bangalore, India. We help you in all processes of patent filing in India & patent filing in Bangalore.
Patent Attorney India, IP firm, Patent, Trademarks, Design filing in India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Intepat IP is an intellectual property consulting firm that offers services relating to patents, trademarks, copyright, and designs in India
registered a design trademark (consisting mainly of his name) for goods and services including soaps, recorded basketball games, apparel, sports equipment, and promotional and educational services, starting with an application in the European Union in 2015 (when Doncic was 16) and filing in the U...