Using Vakilsearch trademark search application, you can check the availability of your brand name, logo, or slogan. Updated IPIndia records are available.
1.TM是“商标”的英文TradeMark的缩写,仅作为商标记号,不是法定的注册标记,不受法律保护。在商标使用过程中,起到凸显作用,商标自创初始即便没有向商标局提交申请也可以使用TM记号。 2. R是英文“Registered”,表示该名字已成功在商标局注册。只要在商标上标注R,表明该商标已在商标局核准注册,获得法律保护,其他人不...
FAQs What does trademark filing mean? What is international trademark filing? What are the USPTO’s filing fees for a trademark? What are the steps for filing a trademark in India? What should you know before filing for a trademark? What is trademark prosecution?
The failed attempt by India’s IP office to process trademark applications faster shows the country needs more future-proof solutions Weekly take: UK election is coming, but don’t expect IP news A new government will be formed in the UK next week, but IP is again being overlooked despite...
S Kumar & CO.-IP Firm Dwarka New Delhi India, Advocates & IP Attorneys in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives
Our mission is to be the most credible and cutting-edge IP boutique law firm in Delhi, India with global standards of excellence. We work in all the traditional fields of IP, viz., trademarks, patents, copyrights and designs and offer the whole spectrum
The Saudi IP authority (SAIP) continues to assume leadership on IP policy and enforcement; a marked increase in online copyright and trademark enforcement occurred in 2022-2023 SAIP has put in place an ambitious reform agenda and is revamping the administration of the Kingdom’s national IP env...
Chadha & Chadha IP is an Intellectual Property Firm based in New Delhi with 10 offices in India. The Firm is well renowned for its Patent practice in Software and IT, Electronics, Telecom, Automotive, Mechanical Pharmaceuticals, Biotech and Life sciences
As per section 29(4) of The Trade Marks Act, trademark infringement in the form of dilution will occur only when the person uses the mark which is: -Identical or similar to the registered trademark which already has a reputation in India and ...
Parker & Parker Co. LLP is a Leading National Intellectual Property & Corporate Law firm located at Ahmedabad city in Gujarat state of India. Our practice includes all aspects of patent, trademark, copyright; design, including counseling, prosecution, li