执行命令ipv6 netstream timeoutactive{active-interval|interval-secondactive-interval-second},配置NetStream流的活跃老化时间。 执行命令ipv6 netstream timeoutinactiveinactive-interval,配置NetStream流的非活跃老化时间。 (可选)执行命令ipv6 netstream extend-databandwidth-compensation,使能采样报文带宽补偿功能。 执行...
Chapter: backup (NetFlow SCTP) through ip route-cache flow Chapter Contents backup (NetFlow SCTP) cache cache-timeout clear fm netflow counters clear ip flow stats clear mls nde flow counters clear mls netflow debug mpls netflow enabled (aggregation cache) export destination export destination sctp...
执行命令ip netstream timeout active active-interval,配置活跃流的老化时间。 缺省情况下,活跃流老化时间是200秒。 配置非活跃的流老化 执行命令system-view,进入系统视图。 执行命令ip netstream timeout inactive inactive-interval,配置非活跃流老化时间。 缺省情况下,非活跃流的老化时间为30秒。 配置强制老化 ...
Inactive flows timeout in 15 seconds last clearing of statistics never 关于flow switching cache行中字段的说明 字段描述 bytes NetFlow高速缓存使用内存的字节数。 active在执行这一命令时,NetFlow高速缓存中活动信息流的个数。 inactive分配给NetFlow高速缓存中的信息流缓冲区的个数,但在输入这一命令时,这些缓冲区...
表1-1 display ipv6 netstream cache命令显示信息描述表字段 描述 IPv6 NetStream cache information IPv6 NetStream流表项信息 Active flow timeout 活跃流的老化时间,单位为分钟 Inactive flow timeout 不活跃流的老化时间,单位为秒 Max number of entries IPv6 NetStream流缓存区中允许的最大流数 ...
<Device> display ipv6 netstream cacheIPv6 NetStream cache information:Active flow timeout : 60 minInactive flow timeout : 10 secMax number of entries : 1000IPv6 active flow entries : 2MPLS active flow entries : 0IPL2 active flow entries : 0...
Device(config-flow-monitor)# record ip-acct Configures a user-defined flow record that was previously configured for a Flexible NetFlow flow monitor. Step 14 cachetimeoutactiveseconds Example: Device(config-flow-monitor)# cache timeout active 604800 ...
IP Flow Switching Cache, 278544 bytes 1346 active, 2750 inactive, 257723 added 3322697 ager polls, 0 flow alloc failures Active flows timeout in 30 minutes Inactive flows timeout in 15 seconds IP Sub Flow Cache, 21640 bytes 1 active, 1023 inactive, 2 added, 2 added to fl...
'-TTLtime_to_live-' ARPTOARP_cache_timeout Use ARPTO to specify the number of seconds between creation or revalidation and deletion of ARP table entries. The default is 1200 seconds. An LCS ARP table entry is revalidated when another ARP packet is received from the same host specifying the...
Note: There can only be one active default gateway for a computer at any moment in time.More details on name registration, resolution, and choice of NIC on outbound datagrams with multihomed computers are provided in the "Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)," "NetBIOS over TCP/IP," and ...