I have an issue with RG-ES206GS-P/RG-ES208GS switches.1) When i changed the switch management IP address to another one, say and then add to th ... Incorrect IP address assignment ,Ruijie Community
Ruijie 锐捷 雪豹BE50 双频5100M 家用千兆无线路由器 Wi-Fi 7 白色 单个装 看详情 商品 TP-LINK 普联 BE5100 双频5100M 家用千兆Mesh无线路由器 Wi-Fi 7 黑色 单个装 比上次发布低6% 商品好评率96% ¥278起 看详情 去购买 商品 ZTE 中兴 巡天 BE5100 千兆双频无线家用路由器 WiFi7 商品好评率...
switch(config)#spanning-tree //开启生成树协议 switch(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration //建立多生成树协议 switch(config-mst)#name ruijie //命名为ruijie switch(config-mst)#revision 1 //设定校订本为1 switch(config-mst)#instance 0 vlan 10,20 //建立实例0 switch(config-mst)#instance 1 v...
(config)#ipv6default-gateway2001:1::1//交换机网关地址 switch(config)#snmp-serverhostipv62001::1informsversion2c community-stringweb-auth//e-Portal服务器地址 switch(config)#snmp-serverenabletrapsweb-auth switch(config)#snmp-servercommunitycommunity-stringrw//读写Community值接入交换机配置 .ruijie第...
...Ruijie(config)#ip route fastethernet0/0 3、配置路由器R2静态路由...ref load-sharing original 当等价路由为静态路由时,可通过在路由后面加weight值,来调整转发比例。...此时配置静态路由时要注意,要使用出接口+下一跳的配置方式。
Today, when 10G applications just become popular, Ruijie Networks launches the first new generation IPV6 high-end core routing switch designed for the 100G platform. Undoubtedly, Ruijie Networks keeps ahead of other vendors in the industry. In the opinion of Ruijie Networks, the speed of Ethernet...
switch(config-mst)#name ruijie //命名为ruijie switch(config-mst)#revision 1 //设定校订本为1 switch(config-mst)#instance 0 vlan 10,20 //建立实例0 switch(config-mst)#instance 1 vlan 30,40 //建立实例1 switch(config)#spanning-tree mst 0 priority 4096 //设置优先级为4096 ...
Ruijie Community improvement suggestion Your Feedback Your Email address (optional): what is the meaning of this log "%SNMP-3-AUTHFAIL: Authentication failure for SNMP req from host [IP_address] " 220502023-8-17 09:50:07Subscribe Original ...
1% Switch, 231, 18% Computing Environment Security, 43, 3% Business and Application Security, 47, 4% Server, 5, 0% Router, 120, 9% Network and Communication Security, 197, 15% Web video camera, 5, 0% Others, 76, 6% Video conferencing terminal, 5, 0% Access device, 6, 0% Protocol...