As I understand it, if a host connected to a particular switch needs to send traffic to a host that is not in the same local subnet, the host will realize the destination is not in the same subnet and will send the traffic to the default gateway, which is a router connected ...
To revert to its default setting, use the no form of this command. Syntax ip default-gateway IPv4-ADDR no ip default-gateway Parameters IPv4-ADDR—IPv4 address of the default gateway. Default Configuration No default gateway is defined. Command Mode Global Configuration mode Example switchxxxxxx(...
No default gateway is defined. Command Mode Global Configuration mode Examples Example 1.The following example defines a default gateway with a global IPv6 address: switchxxxxxx(config)#ipv6 default-gateway5::5 Example 2.The following example defines a default gateway with a link-local IPv6 ...
Despite having a default gateway configured in the main routing table, this command fails to operate on the Nexus3000 series switches. Request for Assistance: In light of this issue, I am reaching out for assistance and guidance. I am in need of a switch that supports the "ip d...
Switch(config)# Interface fastethernet 0/1 #进入具体端口配置模式 Switch(config-if)#Switchport port-secruity #配置端口安全模式 Switch(config-if )switchport port-security mac-address MAC(主机的MAC地址)#配置该端口要绑定的主机的MAC地址 Switch(config-if )no switchport port-security mac-...
Solved: Hi guys, We are configuring a Cisco Catalyst 9407 switch as a layer 2 switch so we have kept « ip routing » disabled and used « ip default-gateway » command for management traffic. When we check routes with « show ip route » com
Cisco 特殊VLAN划分之一个VLAN多个网段IP 1.拓扑如图所示. 2.连线示意如下: Switch1 F0/1 <---> Router1 F0/0 Switch1 F0/2 <---> Router2 F0/0 Switch1 F0/3 <---> Router3 F0/0 Switch1 F0/4 <---> Router4 F0/0 3.r01,r02,r03模拟PC。ip地址分别为:;;192.168...
Switch(config-if)#exit 二、配置DHCP地址池和相应参数 Switch(config)#ip dhcp pool Linux(建立名为Linux的地址池) Switch(dhcp-config)#network10.56.1.0255.255.255.0(网络地址) Switch(dhcp-config)#dns-server地址) Switch(dhcp-config)#default-router10.56.1.1(默认网关) ...
Layer 3 switch In this topology: Client VLANs are only defined on a single layer 3 device. Client devices have a default gateway of the layer 3 device the VLAN has been defined on. A single transit VLAN is used to allow for communications between the MX WAN appliance and downstream subnet...
Switch(config)no Ip access-group IP in #清除名为IP的访问列表 在cisco交换机中为了防止ip被盗用或员工乱改ip,可以做以下措施,即ip与mac地址的绑定和ip与交换机端口的绑定。 一、通过IP查端口 先查Mac地址,再根据Mac地址查端口: bangonglou3#show arp | include 208.41 或者show mac-address-table 来查看...