IP fragmentation:在IP层将报文根据MTU分片;每个片段使用与IP报文同样的报头;每个片段独立地路由。 如何进行分片? IDENT: 也即identifier,用于标识IP报文段的唯一标识符;具有同一IDENT的片段属于同一个IP报文; FRAGMENT OFFSET: 简称FO,指明当前片段在原始完整的IP报文中的位置(偏移)。该偏移的单位是8个字节。
一.ISO参考模型 OSI七层模型一般指开放系统互连参考模型 (Open System Interconnect 简称OSI)是国际标准化组织(ISO)和国际电报电话咨询委员会(CCITT)联合制定的开放系统互连参考模型,为开放式互连信息系统提供了一种功能结构的框架。 它从低到高分别是:物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层、会话层、表示层和应用层。...
Example of how an IP datagram is fragmented and reassembled How IP Fragmentation Works IP fragmentation occurs when an IP packet exceeds the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size for a network path. Routers must split the large packet into smaller fragments to be transmitted. The router divides th...
Datagram fragmentation and reassembly are handled by IP and are invisible to TCP. Does this mean that TCP does not have to worry about data arriving in the wrong order?(E) 不能这样认为___ ___。 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 。尽管到达的每个数据报都是完整的,但可能到达的数据报的顺序 是...
Datagrams are fully described in Internet Layer. Fragmentation –If a packet is too large for transmission over the network media, IP on the sending host breaks the packet into smaller fragments. IP on the receiving host then reconstructs the fragments into the original packet. ...
Chapter 11. UDP: User Datagram Protocol / UDP:用户数据报协议143 11.1 Introduction / 概述 143 11.2 UDP Header / UDP首部144 11.3 UDP Checksum / UDP检验和144 11.4 A Simple Example / 简单示例147 11.5 IP Fragmentation / IP分段148 11.6 ICMP Unreachable Error (Fragmentation Required) / ICMP不可达...
ipFragCreates OID Object Name Syntax Max Access Description Implemented Specifications ipFragCreates Counter Read-only The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity.
The value of this object identifies the number of output datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of IP fragmentation. When tracking interface statistics, the counter of the outgoing interface is incremented for a successfully fragmented datagram. Discontinuities in the value of this co...
1.5 Example Program / 示例程序 5 1.6 System Calls and Library Functions / 系统调用和库函数 7 1.7 Network Implementation Overview / 网络实现概述 9 1.8 Descriptors / 描述符 10 1.9 Mbufs (Memory Buffers) and Output Processing / Mbuf与输出处理 15 ...
Fragmentation failures The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be (for example, because their Don't Fragment flag was set). Created due to fragmentation The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated ...