(1)知道摄像机原IP地址,打开IE浏览器,地址栏输入摄像机IP地址,按“回车”输入用户名密码,登录摄像机,找到网络设置项,修改IP地址,子网掩码为默认255.255.255.0,网关可不填。 (2)不知道摄像机IP地址,首先百度搜索下载“大华Config Tool”设备IP地址搜索工具,扫描设备的IP地址,选取想要修改的设备,修改IP地址。大华监...
I have a 5th ip camera that I would like to have show up in the same manner, but it is a Dahua IPC-HFW1320S [wired] and although it shows up in ipconfig tool and I can access it through IE website [192.168.0.xx] I cannot get it on my NVR monitor. I would like to be abl...
an IP scanner specific for Dahua devices calledConfig Tool; an app for Dahua camera setup calledSmartPSS(for instructions seehere, section 3.1.1); any IP scanner software working with all devices (e.g.,Advanced IP Scanner). 2. How do I find out the username and password of a Dahua camera?
Avigilon: Camera Configuration Tool Axis: Axis IP Utility / Axis Camera Management Bosch: IP Helper / Configuration Manager Brickcom: Easy Config Canon: Canon Camera Management Tool (CCMT) D-Link: Setup Wizard Dahua: ConfigTool Dallmeier: PService Digital Watchdog: DW IP Finder Dynacol...
String CamAPIAccess "Access the API" { channel="ipcamera:DAHUA:001:apiAccess" } Command to use in rules: CamAPIAccess.sendCommand('/cgi-bin/configManager.cgi?action=setConfig&Lighting[0][0].Mode=Off') The URL must be in this format without the IP:Port info and the binding will handle...
Fixed the software crash that would happen at attempts to add a Dahua camera.Beta version Xeoma 23.6.14 (June 15, 2023):Freight Unloading Counter: Added the new ‘Freight Unloading Counter’ filter module that can be used to track how many loadouts a freight vehicle has done in a shift....
You can use the config tool to find the IP for each camera and enter them manually with their passwords if needed. You will still have to setup the NVR along with the settings you want. Great News! Thanks~ I do have another question, since it looks like Q-See was ...