通过apply large-community-listlarge-community-list-name命令设置BGP Large-community属性前,要通过ip large-community-list命令添加一个BGP Large-community属性列表并通过large-community命令为BGP Large-community属性列表配置Large-community属性。 设置BGP VPN-Target扩展团体属性 ...
地址前缀列表(IP-Prefix List) 各动态路由协议 源地址、目的地址、下一跳 AS路径过滤器(AS-Path-Filter) BGP协议 AS路径属性 Large-community属性过滤器(Large-Community-Filter) BGP协议 Large-community属性 Route-Policy 各动态路由协议 目的地址、下一跳、度量值、接口信息、路由类型、ACL、地址前缀...
display bgp ipv6 routing-table community [ aa:nn<1-13> ] [ no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed ]* [ whole-match ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] 显示匹配指定IPv6 BGP团体列表的路由信息 display bgp ipv6 routing-table community-list { { basic-comm...
display bgp routing-table community [ aa:nn&<1-13> ] [ no-advertise | no-export | no-export-subconfed ] * [ whole-match ] [ | { begin | exclude | include } regular-expression ] 显示匹配指定BGP团体列表的BGP路由 display bgp routing-table community-list { { basic-community-list-number...
Alpine Linux 3.18 (or newer) (thanks Francesco Colista) apk add -X https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.19/community asn NixOS (thanks devhell) Package here MacOS (using Homebrew, thanks filippovitale) brew install asn Note for MacOS users: Homebrew has a policy not to install...
#1.添加默认路由信息,其中172.21.0.1是网关地址。 # ip route adddefaultvia172.21.0.1dev eth0 # 或者 # route adddefaultgw172.21.0.1#2.添加网络路由 # route add-net172.21.0.0/24netmask255.255.255.0dev eth0 #或者简写 # route add-net172.21.0.0/24dev eth0#添加一条路由(发往172.21.0这个网段的全部...
the algorithm changes the Route Cache Entry (RCE) for that remote IP address to use the next default gateway in the list. When 25 percent of the TCP connections have moved to the next default gateway, the algorithm advises IP to change the computer's default gateway to the one that the...
"ip_list": ["","","","","...
The community has baked some interesting IPAdapter models. /ComfyUI/models/ipadapter ip_plus_composition_sd15.safetensors, general composition ignoring style and content, more about it here ip_plus_composition_sdxl.safetensors, SDXL version Kolors-IP-Adapter-Plus.bin, IPAdapter Plus for Kolors...