ip [OPTIONS] OBJECT [COMMAND [ARGUMENTS]] 4.1 ip link set–改变设备的属性. 缩写:set、s 示例1:up/down 起动/关闭设备。 ip link set dev eth0 up 这个等于传统的 ifconfig eth0 up ifconfig eth0 down 示例2:改变设备传输队列的长度。 参数:txqueuelen NUMBER或者txqlen NUMBER ip link set dev eth...
iptables[-t table]COMMAND[chain]CRETIRIA -j ACTION 各参数的含义为: -t table:指定需要维护的防火墙规则表filter、nat、mangle或raw。在不使用 -t 时则默认使用 filter 表。 COMMAND:子命令,定义对规则的管理。 chain:指明链表。 CRETIRIA:匹配参数。cretiria 参数 功能[!]-p 匹配协议,! 表示取反[!]-s ...
The gateway of last resort is now set as This result is independent of any routing protocol, as shown by theshow ip protocolscommand output, no routing protocol is configured. You can add another candidate default route with the configuration of another instance of ip default-netwo...
New-NetIPAddress-IPAddress192.168.1.10-InterfaceAlias"Ethernet"-PrefixLength24-DefaultGateway192.168.1.1 New-NetIPAddress cmdlet 还接受 –AddressFamily 参数,该参数可定义 IPv4 或 IPv6 IP 地址系列。 如果不使用此参数,将自动检测地址系列属性。 下一单元: 在 PowerS...
easypannel开启SSL 如何添加网站安全狗的CC白名单 Windows平台下PHP7添加Sqlserver扩展 Centos7,php安装pdo_sqlsrv 编译安装报错unrecognized command line option “-std=c++11” 无法识别的命令行选项“-std=c++11” 的解决办法 在Linux系统中检查glibc版本信息的方法 msxml3.dll 错误 '80072efd' Linux常用主机扫描工...
ROUTE [-f] [-p] [command [destination][MASK netmask] [gateway] [METRIC metric] [IF interface]-f Clears the routing tables of all gateway entries. If this isused in conjunction with one of the commands, the tables arecleared prior to running the command.-p When used with the ADD ...
The egress gateway address is configured for the global address pool. Run quit Return to the system view. To configure the local device to assign an IP address to the remote device, run the ppp ipcp remote-address forced command in the interface view. Translation...
route add default gw 启动生效: vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 加入 GATEWAY= 最后结果如下: DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR= NETMASK= GETEWAY= ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet ...
switchxxxxxx(config)#ipv6 default-gatewaytunnel1 ipv6 enable Use theipv6 enablecommand in Interface Configuration mode to enable IPv6 processing on an interface. To disable IPv6 processing on an interface that has not been configured with an explicit IPv6 address, use thenoform of this com...
GATEWAY HOSTNAME DNS1 DNS2 DNS3 手动指定 DHCP:Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 169.254.:当通过DHCP获取不到IP地址,将会分配这个网段的地址,这个地址只能用于本地通信,没有网关; linux系统可以配置3个DNS服务器地址,windows只能配置2个DNS服务器地址,配置两个的作用: ...