network address 就是192.168.0(也称网络号)hostaddress就是0后面的那个2(也称主机号)子网掩码默认为255.255.255.0如果想看的话.可以在运行中输入cmd,进入MS-DOS.输入ipconfig /all便可看到详细的信息.(里面还有MAC地址.physical address)IP地址范围:为192.168.0.1-其中192.168....
public IpRange withAddress(String address) Set the address property: The IP address. Parameters: address - the address value to set. Returns: the IpRange object itself.withName public IpRange withName(String name) Set the name property: The friendly name for the IP address range. Parameters...
Set the ipAddressOrRange property: A single IPv4 address or a single IPv4 address range in CIDR format. Methods inherited from java.lang.Object Constructor Details IpAddressOrRange public IpAddressOrRange() Creates an instance of IpAddressOrRange class. ...
C语言_IP地址解析 #include #include void main() { unsigned long input_IP; unsigned int BeginByte...***\n"); printf("**This program is to show how to parse a IP...printf("***"); printf("Please enter the IP...address(hex) you want parse:"); scanf_s("%lx", &input_IP); ...
IPv4 type of service or IPv6 traffic class mapping configuration Options for configuring QoS Option 1: Use the IBM Configuration Assistant for z/OS Communications Server Option 2: Manual configuration Specifying the QoS configuration file based on Policy Agent role Defining policies in a Polic...
ping ipv6{ [-asource-ipv6-address|-cecho-number| {-sbyte-number|-range[ [minmin-value|maxmax-value|stepstep-value]*] } |-ttimeout| {-tctraffic-class-value|-dscpdscp} |vpn-instancevpn-instance-name|-mwait-time|-name|-hhoplimit| { -brief| [-system-time|-ri|-detail]*}|-nextho...
[DeviceA-dhcp-class-bb] quit # 配置DHCP地址池2。 [DeviceA] dhcp server ip-pool 2 # 配置地址池动态分配的主网段。 [DeviceA-dhcp-pool-2] network mask # 配置DHCP地址池为DHCP用户类aa动态分配的IP地址范围。 [DeviceA-dhcp-pool-2] class aa range ...
ping ipv6{ [-asource-ipv6-address|-cecho-number| {-sbyte-number|-range[ [minmin-value|maxmax-value|stepstep-value]*] } |-ttimeout| {-tctraffic-class-value|-dscpdscp} |vpn-instancevpn-instance-name|-mwait-time|-name|-hhoplimit| { -brief| [-system-time|-ri|-detail]*}|-nextho...
[Sysname-dhcp-pool-0] class user option-group 1 【相关命令】 · dhcp option-group 1.2.6 class range class range命令用来配置DHCP地址池为指定DHCP用户类动态分配的IP地址范围。 undo class range命令用来删除为指定DHCP用户类动态分配的IP地址范围。 【命令】 class class-name range start-ip-address end...
487 200-: Storclass parameter (value) is more than 8 characters. Storclass ignored...487 200-: SUBSYS parameter (value) is more than 4 characters - SUBSYS parameter is ignored... 488 200-: The keyword keyword value of value is not valid. Parameter ignored... 489 200: Transferring PDS...