importipaddressdefcalculate_ip_range(network):# 创建网络对象net=ipaddress.ip_network(network,strict=False)# 获取网络地址、广播地址和主机地址network_address=net.network_address broadcast_address=net.broadcast_address usable_hosts=list(net.hosts())return{'Network Address':str(network_address),'Broadcast...
IP address Example:,2607:f8b0:4003:c00::6a Netmask Example: as a number of bitsper network address:24 Calculate Calculation examplefor IP address with netmask Address127.0.0.101111111.00000000.00000000.00000001 ...
Below are the examples for IPv4 and IPv6 subnet calculation using Sipcalc. sipcalc Raw [ipv4 :] - 0 [CIDR] Host address - Host address (decimal) - 167772160 Host address (hex) - A000000 Network address - Network mask - Network ...
Results of the subnet calculation provide the hexadecimal IP address, the wildcard mask, for use with ACL (Access Control Lists), subnet ID, broadcast address, the subnet address range for the resulting subnet network and a subnet bitmap. ...
IP Address Subnet Calculator A IP address subnet calculator helps Cisco academy students and network specialists learn how to subnet by making the calculation of subnetting easier. The calculator will display the network address, broadcast address, first host, last host, and CIDR (Classless Inter-Dom...
Calculation Maximum hosts and subnets The maximum number of hosts and subnets in a particular subnetwork is designated by a subnet mask. A subnet mask divides an IP address into the network part and the host part by a number of ones and zeros. So we translate a subnet mask into binary for...
CIDR Address Range CIDR Calculator The CIDR Calculator enables CIDR network calculations using IP address, subnet mask, mask bits, maximum required IP addresses and maximum required subnets. Results of the CIDR calculation provide the wildcard mask, for use with ACL (Access Control Lists), , netwo...
the IP address of the first byte is 192; when the other 22 all network ID 1 maximum, the first byte maximum number, i.e. 223. The effective range of the C class IP address of the first byte is 192223, a total of 2097152 class C network; each C network ...
SUBNET CALCULATION Here you can configure the parameters for subnetting calculation. You can select the subnet mask that will always be equal or superior to the original network mask. By pressing the LIST button all subnets will be listed in a pop-up window....