获取到域名之后,可以安装一个自动ip上报的软件向域名服务商自动上报ip地址 6.配置防火墙(host端): 两种方案: 省事一点:直接关闭防火墙(不管公用网络还是专用网络,拨号上网默认公用网络,不建议改成专用网络,不然你会发现microsoft store神奇的打不开了) 麻烦一点,到防火墙配置端口(不会的自行度娘) 2.安装moonlight cli...
Install the package on your gaming PC. The service will run automatically in the background. Give it a try! Connect via Moonlight using an IPv6 address or host name. Troubleshooting Make sure that your router and PC firewalls are configured to allow IPv6 traffic on theGameStream ports. Thi...
Install the package on your gaming PC. The service will run automatically in the background. Give it a try! Connect via Moonlight using an IPv6 address or host name. Troubleshooting Make sure that your router and PC firewalls are configured to allow IPv6 traffic on theGameStream ports. ...
再有v6或者v4公网的情况下,远程工具直接用moonlight或者parsec就行,是可以直接连接的,如果只有一边有公网可以用 tailscale或者zeotier打洞后链接,无论是哪个都不是sunshine能比的,用了根本停不下来,弄啥socat,弄啥内网穿透,都有公网了还弄穿透或者端口转发,本末倒置了,明明可以直连的,非要中间加几层网络请求 来自...
这个isp的怎么解决啊 分享188 moonlight吧 格梓 请问我外网用ip能连上,但是用ddns的域名就连不上是怎么回事,现在每次都要先差自己的IP才能连很慢麻烦 分享2赞 hanime吧 贴吧用户_0DPEUMa 直连的新方法,第一步是修改host,确保本吧网址域名与IP的XX.0.18对应;第二步启用网络连接的ipv6,ipv6的DNS用海外的...
指定目标服务器的IP地址,端口PORT QTcpSocket sender; QString IP=""; quint16 PORT="6060"; sender.connectToHost( 分享6赞 c#吧 齐瑞征 求按照特定格式排列IP地址求将“纯真IP数据库软件”的ip数据转为红苹果刷流量软件所需数据库保存方法(详细步骤)如:纯真IP数据库: IANA...
Install the package on your gaming PC. The service will run automatically in the background. Give it a try! Connect via Moonlight using an IPv6 address or host name. Troubleshooting Make sure that your router and PC firewalls are configured to allow IPv6 traffic on theGameStream ports...
Connect via Moonlight using an IPv6 address or host name. Troubleshooting Make sure that your router and PC firewalls are configured to allow IPv6 traffic on the GameStream ports. This tool will automatically create firewall exceptions on routers that support PCP or UPnP IPv6 firewall con...