IP Address Location Lookup If you have an IP address (v4) you can find publicly available information like country, ASN Number or organisation about the given IP address. Give it a try! Enter an IP address, website address or hostname to lookup and locate and click "Get IP Address Detail...
ipaddress.ip_network(address, strict=True) 返回一个 IPv4Network 或IPv6Network 对象,具体取决于作为参数传入的 IP 地址。 address 是表示 IP 网址的字符串或整数。 可以提供 IPv4 或 IPv6 网址;小于 2**32 的整数默认被视为 IPv4。 strict 会被传给 IPv4Network 或IPv6Network 构造器。 如果 address ...
ip route recursive-lookup bgp-vpnv4-route enable命令用来使能静态路由迭代到远端私网交叉路由。 ip route recursive-lookup bgp-vpnv4-route disable命令用来去使能静态路由迭代到远端私网交叉路由。 undo ip route recursive-lookup bgp-vpnv4-route disable命令用来使能静态路由迭代到远端私网交叉路由。
peer系统的核心函数就是inet_getpeer,它是提供给其他子系统的接口,它封装了lookup函数,而loopup函数只是很简单的avl树的查找函数. 而inet_getpeer函数它通过传入的key(也就是ip地址)和一个flag(比如赋值为create),可以做到,当查找失败后,能创建一个新的树的拣点,并初始化ip包 的id(使用id模块的secure_ip_id)...
ip route recursive-lookup bgp-vpnv4-route disable命令用来去使能静态路由迭代到远端私网交叉路由。 undo ip route recursive-lookup bgp-vpnv4-route disable命令用来使能静态路由迭代到远端私网交叉路由。 缺省情况下,使能静态路由迭代到远端私网交叉路由。 仅S5731-H-K、S5731-H、S5731S-H、S5732-H、S5732...
You can also use CIDR format (/x) in place of wildcard bits. For example, the IPv4 address corresponds to for IPv6 address 2001:db8:abcd:0012:0000:0000:0000:0000 corresponds to 2001:db8:abcd:0012::0/64. ...
ipv6-family unicast 使能BGP-IPv6单播路由迭代LDP LSP功能。 unicast-route recursive-lookup tunnel-v4 [ tunnel-selector tunnel-selector-name ] 检查配置结果 BGP IPv6单播路由迭代到LDP LSP配置完成后,可以使用display bgp ipv6 routing-table ipv6-address命令查看BGP-IPv6单播路由迭代LDP LSP的信息。翻译...
require 'lookupip' # IPv4 ip_info = LookupIP::V4.address '' puts ip_info.country #=> "United States" puts ip_info.state #=> "Ohio" puts ip_info.city #=> "Columbus" puts ip_info.isp #=> "DoD Network Information Center" puts ip_info.code #=> "US"...
address in ACL configurations, so that the configured next-hop address from ACL is used for forwarding packet towards its destination instead of routing packet based on destination address lookup. This feature of using next-hop in ACL configurations for forwarding is called...
ipv6-family unicast 使能BGP-IPv6单播路由迭代LDP LSP功能。 unicast-route recursive-lookup tunnel-v4 [ tunnel-selector tunnel-selector-name ] 检查配置结果 BGP IPv6单播路由迭代到LDP LSP配置完成后,可以使用display bgp ipv6 routing-table ipv6-address命令查看BGP-IPv6单播路由迭代LDP LSP的信息。收藏...