近年来,国内外各设备运营商纷纷对路由器设备展开IPv6 Address Lookup能力的测试,以期望这些设备能在未来的IPv6商用网络中发挥正常作用。测试的内容,主要考核点:IPv6 FIB容量、IPv6路由刷新性能、IPv6转发性能。 由于全世界IPv6并未大规模商用,IPv6路由分布和地址分配方案都存在较大变数。另一方面,IPv6地址容量大得...
Find and lookup whois information of an IPv6 address. You can use the IPv6 Whois lookup tool to retrieve all de registration information releated to the IPv6 address. This whois lookup tool will query the different databases where the whois information should be located. Enter an IPv6 ...
Enter an IPv6 Address: Submit and lookup IPv6 IPv6 Address lookup information FindIPv6 provide you information about a given IPv6 address. De detailed information contain: location, region, ISP and a Google Maps position. However, this function is still in beta. Not every IPv6 gives a ...
1.2 配置IPv6静态路由 (1) 进入系统视图。 system-view (2) 配置IPv6静态路由。 ipv6 route-staticipv6-address prefix-length interface-typeinterface-number[next-hop-address][permanent|tracktrack-entry-number][preferencepreference][tagtag-value][descriptiontext|recursive-lookup] ...
nslookup ipv6.baidu.com Server: Address: ipv6.baidu.com canonical name = www.a.shifen.com. Name: www.a.shifen.com Address: Name: www.a.shifen.com Address: 借用第三方工具 如果是查询网站.实际上是可以借助一些第三方工具进行查询的.IPV6...
配置IPv6静态路由。 选择执行以下命令中的一条在公网中配置IPv6静态路由: ipv6 route-static dest-ipv6-address prefix-length interface-type interface-number [ nexthop-ipv6-address ] [ preference preference | tag tag ] * [ description text ] ipv6 route-static dest-ipv6-address prefix-length next...
配置IPv6静态路由。 选择执行以下命令中的一条在公网中配置IPv6静态路由: ipv6 route-static dest-ipv6-address prefix-length interface-type interface-number [ nexthop-ipv6-address ] [ preference preference | tag tag ] * [ description text ] ipv6 route-static dest-ipv6-address prefix-length next...
ipv6 = "fe80::2aa:ff:fe3f:2a1c" ipstat = IPstat(ipv6) print(ipstat.get_ip_type()) mac_address = ipstat.get_mac_address() print(mac_address.get_mac()) print(mac_address.get_org()) 这个库给出的信息如下所示: unicast=link-local=link=ieee-derived=00-aa-00 ...
ipv6 route-static ipv6-address prefix-length next-hop-address [ recursive-lookup { host-route | longest-match } ] [ bfd { control-packet bfd-source ipv6-address | static session-name } | permanent | track track-entry-number ] [ preference preference ] [ tag tag-value ] [ recursive-lo...
ipv6 = "fe80::2aa:ff:fe3f:2a1c" ipstat = IPstat(ipv6) print(ipstat.get_ip_type()) mac_address = ipstat.get_mac_address() print(mac_address.get_mac()) print(mac_address.get_org()) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 这个库给出的信息如下所示: ...