IP地址与子网掩码(IP address and subnet mask) IP address and subnet mask 1, IP address: Internet networks are interconnected by different physical networks, and computer communications between different networks must have corresponding address identification, which is called the IP address. IP addresses...
Mask Subnets Hosts --- --- --- ---2 2 62 3 6 30 4 14 14 5 30 6 6 62 2 subnet For an IP address of,netmask of,and a subnet ID of,the useable host address range...
Network Classes and Subnet Mask The organization which governs the internet has divided the IP addresses into different classes of the network. Each class is identified by its subnet mask. By the categorization of a default subnet mask, we can easily identify the class of an IP address of the...
“1”的网间网地址用于本网广播,该地址叫做有限广播地址(limited broadcast address)。 *“0”地址 TCP/IP 协议规定,各位全为“0”的网络号被解释成“本”网络。 *回送地址 A 类网络地址127 是一个保留地址,用于网络软件测试以及本地机进程间通信,叫做 ...
IP ADDRESS AND SUBNET MASK IP地址和子网掩码 学习目标 •了解IP地址的作用•了解IP地址的组成和分类•理解子网与子网掩码•掌握子网划分的方法 页面2 2020/12/22 一、IP地址 •什么是IP地址 –IP地址是网络层的逻辑地址,用于标识数据报的源地址和目标地址。在Internet中,一个IP地址可唯一性地标识出...
Each of the address classes has a different default subnet mask. You can identify the class of an IP address by looking at its first octet. Following are the ranges of Class A, B, and C IP addresses, each with an example address:...
Syntax hccn_tool [-i %d] -ip -g Description Obtains the IP address and subnet mask. Options Option Description -i Device ID. Value range: 0–7 -ip IP attribute -g Obtaining flag Returns 0: success Other values: failure Example hccn_tool -i 0 -ip -g ...
CIDR uses variable length subnet mask (VLSM) which is not based on the hard boundaries of the 3 Classes described above. MORE READING: 12 Best Computer Networking Books for Beginners & Experts The subnet mask is what defines the length of the network and host portions of the IP address. Th...
IPv4 address classes The Internet Protocol's local address space is split into five logical classes or ranges of IP addresses, each represented by a letter of the alphabet. ClassStart addressEnd addressNumber of networksIP addresses per networkTotal IP addresses availableSubnet mask ...