Electric Cooperative Careers - Full range of jobs from Apprentice or Journeyman Lineman to marketing, administrative, member services, etc. Independent Telecommunications Careers - Full range of jobs from IT specialists to customer service, Technician, marketing, etc. Iowa Workforce Development - Statewide...
Iowa Workforce Agency Cuts JobsTwo workers in the Iowa Workforce Development office in Dubuquerecently lost their jobs, part of...Schmidt, Eileen Mozinski
Iowa Workforce Development 1.8 • 5 Ratings Free Screenshots iPhone iPad Description Looking for a great job in Iowa? Find jobs which align with your skill sets or training using the IowaWorks Mobile app. Instantly view any job posted to the web directly on your iPhone or iPad. ...
For every two dollars of wages earned by the student, one dollar paid by the employer is matched by one dollar from the Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) and up to$3,100 per intern. Funds generated through any state source cannot be used as matching funds; federal funding is an eligible ...
High Quality Jobs Assistance to off-set costs incurred to locate, expand or modernize an Iowa facility. New Jobs Tax Credit Tax credit incentive for businesses that provide additional training to employees and expand their workforce. Targeted Jobs Withholding ...
In fact, as the governor takes steps to re-open 77 of the state's 99 counties this week, Iowa's Workforce Development department is urging employers to report workers who don't return to their jobs. In other words, many Iowans who may not be altogether comfortable with the governor's de...
Workforce/Education Jobs in Rural Iowa 50 State Comparison Home / Iowa Advantages Target Industries Iowa continues to expand on its long tradition of agricultural and manufacturing excellence. Both of these industries have served as a springboard for continued industry development in a broad rang...
Clean energy and clean vehicle jobs in Iowa set a record in 2023, growing to more than 32,000 jobs – a 4.5 percent increase over the previous year. Following federal climate investments passed in 2022, the industry is poised for more growth. Quick Facts 32,667 Clean energy jobs – a ...
Workforce Training Iowa’s industry-driven workforce development programs and services support Iowa businesses by increasing the skills of an already productive Iowa workforce. Iowans, with their unmatched work ethic, are acquiring skills that will improve the competitiveness of Iowa businesses. By leverag...
Project: Business expansion resulting in 100+ new jobs Ed SpicerCFO – Winegard Company, Burlington We had no idea what New Markets Tax Credits were, how they worked and the incredible complex nature of it. They held our hands throughout the whole process and they still are. Project: Des...