Iowa has all of the key elements to provide a smart, productive workforce necessary to foster business growth. Not only does the K-12 public education system consistently lead the nation in graduation rates, students also place at the top of ACT and SAT tests. Lifelong learning is paramount ...
Workforce/Education Jobs in Rural Iowa 50 State Comparison Home / Iowa Advantages / Location/Transportation Iowa sits in the center of a seven-state market of nearly one million businesses and thirty-six million people. With three Interstate highways (I-35, I-80 and I-29) and nearly ...
Workforce Development Business+Place AD Editorial Board 2019 Top States for Doing Business: Georgia Ranks #1 Sixth Year in a Row Steve Kaelble, Staff Editor, Area Development The top-ranked states have landed on the radar of today’s site selection consultants because of their low business costs...
a spokesman said.The Court said Branstad's line-item veto striking legislation that would have kept 36 Iowa Workforce Development offices open was unconstitutional. The justices didn't weigh in on the wisdom of the veto; instead they said Branstad overstepped his authority when he didn't also ...
For every two dollars of wages earned by the student, one dollar paid by the employer is matched by one dollar from the Iowa Workforce Development (IWD) and up to$3,100 per intern. Funds generated through any state source cannot be used as matching funds; federal funding is an eligible ...
Together, we're building on Iowa's existing base of larger in-state companies and notable research-and-development assets at area universities to encourage technology advancements and create jobs in the thriving and dynamic EdTech sector. The Iowa EdTech Collaborative has identified four focus...
The U.S. Department of Labor adjusted last week’s initial claim number to 7,271 (a decrease of 374) and continuing claims to 37,492 (a decrease of 826 for a total decrease of 1,200 overall). Iowa Workforce Development relies upon the weekly data released by the U.S. ...
partnership of Iowa Workforce Development and Des Moines Area Community College, and we're there to help get your unemployment insurance claim filed and help move you to start searching for employment. Yeager: And that's -- you're talking a little bit about central Iowa, but there are ...
On Friday, the Iowa Workforce Development announced that the unemployment in the state dropped to 3.9% in October. That is down from 4% in September, and down from 4.2% one year ago.
Located in the heart of southern Iowa, Clarke County offers an ideal location at the junction of US Highway 34 and Interstate 35. The quality of our workforce is next to none. We offer a variety of business assistance programs that foster the economic development of the area. Find out why...