On July 1, 1912, Iowa Wesleyan University became Iowa Wesleyan College. Through the years, the College has pioneered in such features as coeducation, the laboratory approach to teaching in the sciences, and service learning, adopted in 1967. More recently it has implemented an experiential learnin...
18 Head Coaches When trying to decide if Iowa Wesleyan University is right for them, student athletes may want to check out the information on this page about the school’s overall athletics program and the data on the particular sport of interest to them.Athletics...
Iowa Wesleyan University is a fully accredited, coeducational liberal arts university. Founded in 1842, it has a rich history of innovation in education, pioneering in the sciences, educational opportunities for women and service-learning, to name just a few. Staff: 0 Students: 10 View Profile...
Iowa Wesleyan University is a fully accredited, coeducational liberal arts university. Founded in 1842, it has a rich history of innovation in education, pioneering in the sciences, educational opportunities for women and service-learning, to name just a few. Graduates include Dr. James Van Allen...
今天要给大家介绍一个美丽的校园,它就是.Iowa Wesleyan University爱荷华卫斯理大学! . .Iowa Wesleyan University是一所位于美国Iowa州的私立大学,创办于1842年,有着悠久的历史和丰富的学术氛围。这里不仅有优秀的教师团队,还有一流的教育资源,是打造未来之星的理想之地! . 这所大学特色鲜明,提供多样化的学术专业选择...
美国爱荷华卫斯理大学(Iowa Wesleyan University)成立于1842年,位于美国爱荷华州的密西西比河畔,是一所古老的、集综合教育文学于一体的高校。 学校拥有小而安静、安全的学习和生活环境,非常适合追求完美享受真正的美国生活和氛围的学生前去就读。 该校本科开设了商、理、文、艺术等4大类专业。在创新教育、科学创新、为女...
Iowa Wesleyan University爱荷华州卫斯理大学所在城市:爱荷华州地区芒特普林森市 创建时间:1842年 院校性质:私立 规模人数:850人 院校类型:文理学院 院校网址:www.iwc.ed 院校地址:601 North Main Street, MountPleasant, IA, USA 大学排名:综合排名200左右 概 况:位于美国爱荷华州地区芒特普林森市,坐落在欢喜山的...