and aqua ammonia as sources of nitrogen for corn production in Iowa IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY Randy Killorn MooreJeffrey AllenThree nitrogen response studies were conducted in Iowa to compare the effect of a controlled release fertilizer, ESN, to urea and aqua ammonia (AA), on corn grain yields, ...
During the war most of the chrome and other metal trim was removed from the '36 for scrap metal drives, and the it was kind of sad-looking when they traded it in for the "I8NY" 1948 Packard with the Straight Eight. The Packard photo was taken on a road trip to Washington State's ...
There is a need for reevaluating the value of tissue testing in corn (L.) and soybean [(L.) Merr.] for current yield levels and genotypes. The objective of this research was to determine tissue critical P and K concentrations for these crops at vegetative and reproductive growth stages. Re...