MKT三个方向的老师都有 (,分别都在JM,...
Iowa State University is one of more than 800 institutions with graduate schools surveyed by U.S. News on an annual basis. Iowa State University confers degrees through various schools, such as: the Debbie and Jerry Ivy College of Business, the College of Engineering, and the School of Educat...
PhD choices include entrepreneurship; information systems; management; marketing and supply chain management. The Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University has two research labs the Neuro Research in Business Lab and the Behavioral Lab. There is also the CyBIZ Lab which provides the opportun...
研究方向是否对口(虽然也有适应自己不喜欢的东西的人但是毕竟少数)如果网站没有这些信息的组慎选 ...
business/corporate law constitutional law contracts/commercial law criminal law writing and 3 more joint degrees offered program ma mba md mha ms msw phd and 1 more see more academics data law school library 2,085,190 total number of titles student per library staff 38.5 total seats available ...
Dr. Peng Wei is an Assistant Professor in Iowa State University. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University and his bachelor degree from Tsinghua University. He has worked in NASA Ames Research Center and American Airlines. Dr. Wei is active member of AIAA, INFORMS and IEEE. http://www...
Matthew is Founder and President of Iowa C.O.R.E. Inc., Economic Development Chair for the Iowa-Nebraska NAACP, and a servant-leader on local, state, and national boards, commissions, and committees. Matthew enjoys mentoring youth, volunteering, and holistic wellness. ...
At the Ivy College of Business at Iowa State University (ISU), students can earn a Master of Accounting (MAcc). The graduate program emphasizes advanced technical and theoretical knowledge in accounting as well as applicable business skills. The curriculum teaches students how to analyze, understand...