Topics include views of Jeff Plagge, president of Northwest Financial Corp., on support of bankers for Bush due to his sound policy, views of Michael Olson of Lincoln Savings Bank, on Bush's calls for higher capital requirements for large banks, and support of bankers for the Republican ...
The economy is the top issue for GOP caucusgoers, followed by immigration, according to CBS News entrance polls. And while voters want someone who shares their values, Trump's legal troubles are not a concern for most.It may be cold in Iowa, but the 2024 Republican primary season is heat...
Politically, Iowa became more competitive as Democrats surpassed Republicans in voter registration, challenging the traditional Republican dominance. Iowa has been at the forefront of LGBTQ+ civil rights in the United States. In 2009, the Iowa Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage, making Iowa the...
Iowa will send state police officers on a two-week deployment to Texas after Republican Gov. Kim Reynolds agreed to a request from GOP governors to help fight crime at the U.S.-Mexico border. Jun 24, 2021 Former Fort Worth Police Chief Joel Fitzgerald To Become Top Cop In Waterloo, Iowa...
Today’s primary outcome is all but assured.Donald Trump is polling far aheadof his Republican rivals in the state and maintains alead with the important evangelical bloc. Thus all eyes will be on the winner — of second place. But while Haley’s poll numbers have given hope to those Rep...
The Republican governor has also proposed income tax rate cuts over the next four years that would result in a 4% state flat tax by 2026. That plan would reduce state revenue by an estimated $1.58 billion by 2026. House Republicans also are planning to introduce a broader incom...
"We have several very good candidates," said Delma Hardin, a Republican voter from Cedar Rapids, Iowa who would support DeSantis "if the caucus were tomorrow" but added she could change her mind. "Iowa Caucus history is littered with candidates who try to ride the wave of exciting, albeit...
Additionally, getting a good sample of likely caucusgoers isn’t easy:Caucus turnout tends to be lowerthan primary turnoutbecause it’s a more time-consuming process. This means it’s even costlier to poll in Iowa because you have to dial a bunch more numbers to contact enough likely cauc...
Selzer said those enthusiasm numbers for Haley“are on the edge of jaw-dropping” and “at odds with a candidate moving up.” Despite all of this, the fact that Haley is in the number two spot in the poll means her biggest obstacle tomorrow is heightened expectations. Not finishing second...
That puts Trump not just well ahead of the rest of the field but on path for the largest margin of victory in a contested Republican Iowa caucus in modern presidential campaign history. The drama, indeed, appears centered around who will come in second place. According to the poll, Nikki ...