Iowa to receive funding to convert nursing homes; $300 million: The program will expand assisted-living careASSOCIATED PRESS
The Northwest Iowa chapter of the American Legion Riders (NWIAALR), based out of American Legion’s Wasmer Post 241 in LeMars, Iowa, is one of Iowa’s fastest growing chapters. To quote the national American Legion Riders (ALR) web site: “The ALR are members of the American Legion who...
A study of factors among nursing home personnel which relate to their attitudes toward aging and the aged in selected Iowa nursing homes, with implications for the development of in-service training programs / 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 24 作者: RL Vicker 摘要: Typescript photocopy. ...
Thus, social workers must remain ethically vigilant, advocating for approaches that respect client autonomy and promote genuine healing. Referrals should only be made to programs with proper licensure and oversight. When such governmental regulations do not exist, the social worker should be even more...
Assisted Living & Nursing Home Signage When nursing homes are faced with a health-related emergency including the coronavirus, in particular Covid-19, it’s vitally important that both new residents and healthcare staff can quickly find where to go and how to get there. Important directions, ne...
The shockingly random crime, which has still never been solved, triggered waves of consumer-protection regulations and voluntary corporate changes, including tamper-evident packaging.1983: BEIRUT DEATH TOLL AT 161 AMERICANS NABIL ISMAIL/AFP/Getty Images 1983: 'BEIRUT DEATH TOLL AT 161 AMERICANS' On ...
The city’s constitution sets out the basic rules for government and is supplemented by statutes, ordinances, regulations, and decisions of courts. Statutory law includes the New York State Constitution, laws passed by the legislature and periodically codified in the New York Consolidated Laws, and...
Workplace Hazards in Iowa Nursing Homes: Perceptions of Certified Nursing AssistantsBy Kennith Culp, Sandra L. Ramey, and D. P. Burdsall, Published on 10/01/10GerontologistKennith CulpSandra L. RameyD. P. Burdsall
Three-quarters of dentists were somewhat/not interested in nursing home dentistry. Dentists and DONs held common perceptions of the most frequent problems related to care provision at nursing homes: low financial reimbursement, especially for Medicaid patients; no portable dental equipment; no suitable ...
J Shin, J Specht, M Dyck, M Bern-Klug, D Reed, T Ansley, S MoorheadThe GerontologistShin, Juh Hyun. (2008) "Relationship between nursing staffing and quality of life in Iowa nursing homes. PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) thesis, University of Iowa.