With pre-caucus polls and other indicators signaling an easy victory in Iowa for former President Donald Trump, his two top rivals are laying the groundwork to claim that coming in second, or even third, could still count as a success. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former U.S. Ambassador...
One of the main differences between caucuses and primaries is the amount of time allotted for voting to occur and the methods by which people can vote. In a primary, people can show up at the polls and cast ballots throughout Election Day, from the early morning until polls close in the...
DeSantis and Haley were expected to duke it out for second place, and they did. You could argue that DeSantis outpacing Haley was a bit of a surprise, given all the dooming around DeSantis’s campaign and Haley’s late momentum in the polls, but I don’t think the “Haley’s-in-...
The economy is the top issue for GOP caucusgoers, followed by immigration, according to CBS News entrance polls. And while voters want someone who shares their values, Trump's legal troubles are not a concern for most.It may be cold in Iowa, but the 2024 Republican primary season is heat...
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' campaign is making a high-risk bet that it can halt Donald Trump's march to the Republican presidential nomination by winning the key state of Iowa next January, despite the former president's commanding lead in polls and growing questions about DeSantis' viability...
Selzer also noted previous occasions when results of her polls mirrored the election victory, and one when they did not. In 1988, her poll showed a large lead for Democrat Michael Dukakis over Vice President George H.W. Bush, a finding that also went against conventional wisdom. Journalists ...
Among voters who identify as born-again Christians, the survey found that Trump was favored by 58% voters intending to caucus, compared to 18% for DeSantis and 13% for Haley. Polls showed that was a relatively weak group of backers for Trump in Iowa in 2016. ...
Santorum never experienced a surge during the fall and remained mired at the bottom of the polls until about a week ago.Now, as more voters pay attention, he is getting the surge he said he always knew would come. It's Iowa's turn to provide leadership, he said.Do not defer your ...
How Iowa Voted Filed under2016 Election ByFiveThirtyEight See 161 new posts Ella Koeze,Anne Li Feb. 1, 7:15 pm Ella Koeze,Anne Li Feb. 1, 7:10 pm ABC News Feb. 1, 7:07 pm Nate, Clare and Harry Preview Iowa Load More
The former president is on track for the biggest victory of any competitive caucus in history. His lead is bigger than any seen in previous final DMR polls. The enthusiasm of his supporters is stratospheric. And unlike in 2016, Trump has an extraordinarily well-financed and well-organized ...