Based on interviews of graziers and land managers, we found there are multiple economically and ecologically viable options for incorporating native plants into grazing systems.Cox OhdeCox Ohde, R.A. 2012. The use of reconstructed prairie in Iowa's agricultural landscape to increase ecosystem ...
As the business continues to develop, new soil recipes have arisen to meet the demands of the expanding organic farming movement in Iowa. In 2018, Beautiful Land Products began growing native prairie specimens and offering planting and consulting services for those plants. In 2019, we began servin...
Stream Bank Stabilization/ Urban Prairie Stream bank stabilization is a process of grading back steep bank slopes, removing undesirable vegetation and adding native plants for structural integrity which aid in stabilization of the streambank, protecting from storm erosion. -DRC Tennis Courts Bioretention ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculturedescribes a wide range of uses for Maximilian sunflowerplants. They are a pollen source for many insects, a food source for some birds and mammals, including grazing livestock, and a plant humans can use for erosion control, prairie restorations, ornamental pur...
Iowa is too often thought of by persons Outside the State only as a flat open prairie. Even the Iowa citizens have rarely stopped to sum up the large value of Iowa trees. The attitude that all forest land is worthless can be understood for the man who alone cleared his first small fiel...
Kilauea Volcano and periodically erupting Mauna Loa. Mauna Loa has the most mass of any mountain on Earth, occupying a volume of about 20,000 cubic miles. The park was created to preserve the natural setting of both Kilauea and Mauna Loa, as well as the Big Island's native plants and ...
Perry Place is a tranquil natural haven with wetlands, gardens, native plants, and more. You’ll want to capture the beauty of the colorful blooms and nature. Connect with nature and enjoy the peaceful setting. N - Night Life shironosov/TSM N - Night Life If you want to let it all ...
Information about the distribution, ecology, and uses of each species native and naturalized in Iowa is provided with the descriptions. We hope this information will enhance your appreciation of shrubs and vines and help you use these plants effectively in your outdoor spaces. The book continues ...
Loess Hills, Iowa.Describes the plants, animals and terrain found in the Loess Hills of Iowa. Retreat of the glaciers; 'Loess' soil; Plants found on the western mixed-grass prairies; Increasing free population; A basin called The Bowl; 'Prairie turnips' and groundplums; Native American ...
, a prairie grass native to Iowa, is cultivated for forage and biomass production. During the late 1990s, biomass and seed yields of switchgrass grown in southern Iowa began to decline, and the reduction has been attributed to unidentified diseases. In 1999, many plants in previously low-...