The Refugee Act of 1980 answered the obvious need in post-Vietnam America for an updated immigration policy. The legislation amended the earlier Immigration and Nationality Act and the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act, raising the annual refugee cap from 17,400 to 50,000 and putting in place...
Any formal documentation specific to that airline Employment Laws If you are considering getting an emotional support animal in Iowa, you may be wondering whether you will be able to take your support animal with you into your place of business. While the Americans with Disabilities Act does not...
Eric Palmer, an attorney and newly elected member of the Iowa House, pre-filed legislation to create a private action (House File 2142), calling it part of the state's "moral obligation to step forward and protect its citizens." (59) The Attorney General's office argued that Palmer's ...
This system allows lawmakers to examine proposed legislation and create informed recommendations before it is brought to the full legislative body for a vote. The committee process can help streamline legislation and enable lawmakers to create more effective laws that address specific issues comprehensively...
Employers still need to use caution when using Facebook information in employment decisions. True, it's important to determine whether the information found is appropriate for use in an employment decision. But even before we get to that question, employers should pause to considerhow ...