BASE DNN collects personally identifiable information, such as your email address, name, home or work address or telephone number. BASE DNN also collects anonymous demographic information, which is not unique to you, such as your ZIP code, age, gender, preferences, interests and favorites. ...
Disclaimer Public Notice And User Agreement - Accept To Continue The information on this site is being provided to the public pursuant to Chapter 692A, Code of Iowa, to protect members of the public from potential harm. You mustread and acceptthis user agreement before you can access some are...
name, home or work address or telephone number. IowaComputerGurus, Inc. also collects anonymous demographic information, which is not unique to you, such as your ZIP code, age, gender, preferences, interests and favorites.
Not while under the influence of an alcoholic beverage (BAC of 0.08 or greater), while any amount of a controlled substance is present in the person, as measured in the person’s blood or urine, or a combination of such substances. [Iowa Code §§ 724.4C and 321J.2] As a responsibly...
Iowa Code § 910A.14(1) (1987). Although the record in this case does not contain a transcript of the court's so advising the girls, the Iowa Supreme Court noted that appellant "makes no assertion [that the] trial court failed to comply with" this or other terms of the statute. ...
1976 Iowa Acts ch. 1158, § 7 (renumbered as Iowa Code section 263B.7 (1993)). Section 305 A. 9 provides: The state archaeologist shall have the authority to deny permission to disinter human remains that the state archaeologist determines have state and national significance from an histor...
For codified laws, see the Code of Iowa, below. Code of Iowa (Iowa Code) See also uniform laws (which are presented in PDF files). Interstate Compacts Names of compacts here follow the style used by the National Center for Interstate Compacts. State-law names for these compacts are not ...
Institution: means a birthing hospital. SeeIowa Code 252A.2 Interview: means the verbal exchange between the child protection worker and the child for the purpose of developing information necessary to protect the child. SeeIowa Code 232.68 ...
department of public safety to notify Code editor upon fulfillment of requirements; 2011 Acts, ch 72, §2, 3; Code editor notified by department of public safety that as of May 7, 2012, information relating to orders or judgments issued prior to April 19, 2011, was not transmitted to the...
Violate any code of conduct or other guidelines which may be applicable for any particular Communication Service. Harvest or otherwise collect information about others, including e-mail addresses, without their consent. Violate any applicable laws or regulations. ...