PROG FRLIndicates if the student is eligible for free or reduced lunch. If State Code is 1: Reduced or 2: Free, reports as1. Otherwise, reports as0. Expand this section to see detailed logic. Click here to expand... Numeric, 1 digitFRAM > Eligibility > State Code ...
Part II of this Note opens by providing a history of Iowa's recent attempts to create a private right of action for consumer fraud, with a more in-depth discussion of the 2008 and 2009 efforts. Part III analyzes other states' consumer fraud actions, Iowa's need for a private action for...
Sec 2. Section 708A.1, subsection 1, Code 2017, is amended to read as follows: “Material support or resources” means knowingly assisting or providing money, financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, safe houses, false documentation or identification, communication equipment, faci...