Elder abuse is a societal problem that influences all members of the community. By 1993 each state had enacted laws addressing elder abuse in domestic and institutional settings (Tatara, 1995). These laws take many different forms, and in 44 states and the District of Columbia, contain sections...
What is "elder abuse"? As provided in Iowa Code 235F , elder abuse means any of the following: 1. Physical injury to, unreasonable confinement, punishment or assault of a vulnerable elder 2. Sexual offense with or against a vulnerable elder 3. Neglect by a caretaker of a vulnerable elder...
Elder abuse is a societal problem that influences all members of the community. By 1993 each state had enacted laws addressing elder abuse in domestic and institutional settings (Tatara, 1995). These laws take many different forms, and in 44 states and the District of Columbia, contain sections...
Purpose: To determine family practice physician's knowledge of state laws regarding elder abuse, perceived barriers to reporting suspected cases of elder abuse, and factors associated with reporting elder abuse in practice. Methods: Mailed questionnaire to 1,030 Iowa Academy of Family Practice ...
A Protocol for Examining and Mapping Elder Abuse Pathways in IowaSandler, Leonard A.Kaskie, BrianWashington University Journal of Law & Policy