交通一般,距芝加哥四百公里,约四小时车程。 Iowa City没有大机场,所以机票要买到距离大学约四十公里以外的Cedar Rapids市机场。 亚力桑那大学 (University of Arizona): 学校在亚利桑那州第二大城市Tucson,位于美国西南部内陆州 。靠近边境线,与墨西哥接壤 。属于亚热带大陆性干旱、半干旱气候。 城市的经济不发达,消费...
Thirty one years ago yesterday on April 26, 1986, the nuclear power plant at Chernobyl in the Ukraine suffered a chemical explosion. Big time bad time. Fifty tons of radioactive material released into the atmosphere. In 2000, a mother came to me with her baby girl. Eight months old. Love...
Iowa City University of Iowa Sioux City Fairmont Foods Iowa Public Service Midwest Power Sioux City Brick & Tile Company Waterloo Chamberlain Corporation Covenant Medical Center Iowa Public Service Company John Deere Powerhouse John Deere Tractor Plant Kromer Produce Company These are not the only Iowa...
July 30-31, Mason City (Nothing to Waste: The STEM of Agriculture Co-Products) August 1-2, Waterloo (Exploring the Agriculture Story) August 6-7, Irwin (In the Field and Beyond: STEM Careers in Agriculture) Learning from IALF “The Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation team has enjoyed havin...
Iowa: gypsum-processing plantGypsum-processing plant, Fort Dodge, Iowa. Extractive production in Iowa is limited toquarrying, cement, and gypsum. Coal-fired power plants produce more than four-fifths of the electricity generated in Iowa. The state is one of the top producers ofethanolin the co...
Find hundreds of jobs in Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and Eastern Iowa. Browse and apply online for jobs at Corridor Careers, with new openings added daily.
James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York City, told the Iowa Utilities Board that the 630-MW plant that Interstate Power and Light Company wants to build near Marshalltown, Iowa, could push the atmospheric CO_2 level past a dangerous "tipping point."...
Find hundreds of jobs in Cedar Rapids, Iowa City and Eastern Iowa. Browse and apply online for jobs at Corridor Careers, with new openings added daily.
ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY OF A PLASMA ARC GASIFICATION PLANT, CITY OF MARION, IOWA The City of Marion ("City") and wastenotlowa, Inc. (WNI), along with other interested parties, has been considering the use of a plasma arc gasification plant ("Plant") as a technology that could reduce their ...
摘要: Field report titled "notes on fall birds seen in Iowa City area 1978," submitted by Thomas H. Kent. The item includes a checklist of bird sightings. An annotation highlights the lack of Golden-crowned Kinglets found. This item was used as supporting documentation for the Iowa Ornitholo...