IoT Comms Software Is HardThe last requirement for the communication stack is a protocol for product-specific messages to support your feature set. This is the real Wild West of IoT at present, because few established standards have emerged for controlling specific classes of devices.ARM Techcon...
问答地址:开发者社区 > IoT > 问答 版权声明:本文内容由阿里云实名注册用户自发贡献,版权归原作者所有,阿里云开发者社区不拥有其著作权,亦不承担相应法律责任。具体规则请查看《阿里云开发者社区用户服务协议》和《阿里云开发者社区知识产权保护指引》。如果您发现本社区中有涉嫌抄袭的内容,填写侵权投诉表单进行举报,一经...
technology is absolutely not limited to the home. It is within the workplace that the IoT is going to make a huge difference to the way we go about our daily lives. Whether a factory, bank, office, you name it, the smart devices that connect to the IoT will become permanent fixtures....
IoT Comms Software Is HardMatt OsminerCardinal Peak
— Aiming to ease in the emerging Internet of Things, a group founded by Atmel, Broadcom, Dell, Intel, and Samsung will create a specification for device-to-device communications. The sees its work as most directly competing with the started by Qualcomm.ARM TechconEetimes Com...
UK Comms Regulator Pushes VHF Spectrum for IoTJohn WalkoTechnology WriterEE Times
Freescale Adds Comms to IoT MCUsJessica Lipsky
Adelaide-based satellite communications firm Myriota will invest $1.36 million of its own money plus a matching grant from the South Australian Government to set up an Internet of Things laboratory, creating more than 50 new jobs in IT and advanced manufacturing.Sam VargheseExchange...