美[aɪˈoʊtə] 英[aɪˈəʊtə] n.一点;希腊语的第九个字母 网络爱欧特测试技术有限公司 复数:iotas 同义词 反义词 n. jot,bit,speck,scrap,grain 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 微小,一点 2. 希腊语的第九个字母
IoTAS is a leading provider of global field test solutions for device testing, including 3GPP (from GSM to LTE), IoT, NB-IoT, 5G and Wi-Fi technologies.
IOTAS是物联网服务的缩写,在几年前为公寓租户创建了一个智能家居平台之后,一直是实现此一目标的关键力量。该平台基于Silicon Labs(亦称“芯科科技”)的Z-Wave解决方案,可以帮助居民、业主和安装人员进行搭建,为居民提供无缝的物联网解决方案,包括各种监控公寓单元系统,包括恒温器、运动探测器、安防和照明。如此简单易...
单词/词组检索 iotas [aɪˈəʊtəz] 以下由轻松背单词网站提供 单词级别 附加级 基本释义 n.希腊文的第九个字母( iota的名词复数 );极少量,一点儿 参考例句
I assure you that it has not detracted in the tiniest iota from your appearance. View in context To increase revenues for IOTAs charitable purposes, the Florida Supreme Court approved amendments to the IOTA Rule in June 2001 requiring banks, which choose to offer IOTA accounts, to pay the hig...
technology. Managed WiFi solutions are the first step in turning your building into a smart property. Connect smart devices like smart thermostats, locks, leak sensors, motion sensors, access control systems, and so much more. IOTAS powers the ultimate smart home experience for multifamily ...
IOTAS is the leading provider of smart apartments in multifamily. Learn more about how you can increase your building's NOI and ROI.
词汇iotas 释义请查阅词条:iota 随便看 near perfect/impossible etc nears nearside nearsides nearsighted nearsightedly nearsightedness nearsightednesses near the end of rope near the end of your rope near the knuckle neat neaten neatened
泰利特和IOTAS通过GCF新成员类别 近日,全球高品质M2M(机器对机器)模块、增值服务和解决方案提供商泰利特无线通讯有限公司和英国领先的独立无线测试解决方案公司IOTAS今天宣布:在为嵌入无线模块的设备制造商引入一个新的成员类别之后,全球认证论坛(GCF)已认证第一款通过新认证规范的产品。新的全球认证论坛审批程序缩短了产品...
《泰利特和IOTAS通过GCF新成员类别》文章已经归档,站长之家不再展示相关内容,下文是站长之家的自动化写作机器人,通过算法提取的文章重点内容。这只AI还很年轻,欢迎联系我们帮它成长: 全球高品质M2M(机器对机器)模块、增值服务和解决方案提供商泰利特无线通讯有限公司和英国领先的独立无线测试解决方案公司IOTAS今天宣布...