Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics), volume 10898 LNCS. Springer, Cham Google Scholar Chin J, Callaghan V, Allouch SB (2019) The internet-of-things: reflections on the past, present and future from...
alam, A. (2022). Query Processing in IoT Based on Spatial and Temporal Information. In: Motahhir, S., Bossoufi, B. (eds) Digital Technologies and Applications. ICDTA 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 455. Springer, Cham.
NOTES: time-unit { unrestricted | mins | hours | days | week } : Specifies the mode of time-unit. downlink : Applies the APN Rate Control in the downlink direction. packet-count dl_packet_count : Specifies the allowed number of downlink p...
2019.06 [hasherezade] PE-sieve v0.2.1 release notes - import recovery & unpacking ASPack (part 2) 2019.05 [0x00sec] Backdoorin pe files 2019.05 [360] Windows调试艺术——PE文件变形(一) 2019.05 [arxiv] [1905.01999] A Benchmark API Call Dataset for Windows PE Malware Classification 2019.04 ...
Unit tests Deploy your console application Language support Embedded mode Bus providers On-screen keyboard Sign-in dialog bars Localhost loopback Debug applications Developer tools Connectivity Manage devices Secure devices Cloud connectivity Manufacturing Servicing Release notes Troubleshooting Downloads Resources...
(Example: C:\Data\Users\DefaultAccount\AppData\Local\Packages\16454Windows10IOTCore.IOTCoreDefaultApplication_rz84sjny4rf58\LocalState) Expand the map Enable/disable map flipping so that the map and the weather switch place periodically to prevent screen burn-in ...
The pigeon food production industry from breeding to processing into food for market circulation involves many stages and people, which is prone to food safety issues and difficult to regulate. To address these problems, one possible solution is to estab
Unit tests Deploy your console application Language support Embedded mode Bus providers On-screen keyboard Sign-in dialog bars Localhost loopback Debug applications Developer tools Connectivity Manage devices Secure devices Cloud connectivity Manufacturing ...
Notes 1. 2. References Abdel-Basset, M., Manogaran, G., Mohamed, M.: Internet of things (IoT) and its impact on supply chain:...