The IOT is an intelligently connected devices and systems which be made up of smart machines interacting and communicating with other machines, environments, objects and infrastructures and the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and sensor network technologies will go up to meet this new challenge....
Internet of Things (IoT) and its Application in the Field of Medial The Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing heterogeneous network of different intelligent electronic and electrical objects, which are empowered with IP (Internet Protocol) address based internet connectivity, and the unmanned communi...
2.1. IoT and Its Application in Agriculture The IoT is a relatively new paradigm that “connects real-world objects to the Internet, allowing objects to collect, process, and communicate data without human intervention” [27]. Users can get smarter services from IoT technology applications due to...
The IoT comprises a selection of physical devices including sensors and microprocessors connected over a network and exchanging information. Depending on the application and setup, IoT devices can be found in a variety of places, such as homes, offices, industrial plants, and many other environments...
The potential applications of IoT are vast and varied, and its impact is already being felt across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and agriculture. As the number of internet-connected devices continues to grow, IoT is likely to play an increasingly...
IoT refers to the inter-networking of everyday objects that are equipped with sensing, computing, and communication capabilities. These networks can collaborate to autonomously solve a variety of tasks. Due to the very diverse set of applications and application requirements, there is no single ...
Its 10 major application scenarios are: simulation of production unit, precise operations, management and control of energy efficiency, compliance verification of production processes, traceability of production processes, predictive maintenance of equipment, intelligent inventory manageme...
Callback) { (void)userContextCallback; char* jsonStr = NULL; JSON_Value* rootValue = NULL; int result; unsigned const char *componentName; size_t componentNameSize; const char *pnpCommandName; *response = NULL; *responseSize = 0; // Parse the methodName into its componentName and ...
First, Huawei provides strong support to partners as part of its device security solution. Huawei is a leader in designing device security and security testing guides. Through its Huawei OpenLabs, which are located throughout the world, Huawei plans to make security testing tools available to its...
The purpose of this paper is to discuss and evaluate the area of IoTs in marketing and its related sectors. The IoTs have grown multifold and will have a big impact on marketing and consumers in the USA and global markets. The paper reviews the IoTs-related literature and its interdiscipli...